A Start (Part 2)

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                                                                              ~ (y/n)s P.O.V ~

      I woke up to the sun shining on my face. Then as I was trying to fall back to sleep I heard my mom's footsteps coming to my room. I turned over when the door opened. "Come one (y/n), it's time to wake up. You have to be ready in 15 minutes or we won't get there on time." I sighed and looked at her through tired eyes. "I know you don't want to go but you have to. Also, bring a jacket, it's supposed to be really cold today." I continued to stare at her then I let out a tired "Okay." Then she left. I pushed my blanket off of me and sat up, blankly looking around the room for a minute or two before I got up and got dressed into jeans and a (f/c) shirt. I brushed my hair while blindly walking around my room, trying to make sure I had all my stuff in my bag. Then I went to brushing my teeth and putting on my shoes. "(y/n)! It's time to go!" "Coming!" I shouldered my bag on and stood there for a moment, going over a mental list in my head. I quickly ran out of my room when I was done with the list. "Don't forget a jacket." My mom told me as she opened the door, and I nodded, grabbing the first jacket I could off of  the rack and slid it on. 

      Halfway through the car ride to school, I realized that the dark blue fabric around me was the same jacket Mike gave me on Saturday. As soon as I noticed, my cheeks became red and I started to try and make a way to have my mom turn around for a new jacket without exactly saying why, but I ended up coming up with nothing good, so I sat in an embarrassed silence. Luckily, barely any kids were outside when I got to school, so I hopped out of the car, quickly bidding my mom goodbye before running inside. Once inside, I quickly pulled the jacket off, slight reluctance going with my actions. I didn't want to take the jacket off, but I also didn't want kids to notice the jacket because it obviously wasn't mine. After it was off, I shoved it into my bag, near the bottom. I zipped up my bag quickly, looking around as I put it back on. I stood by my locker for a while but once kids started pouring in through the doors, I ran to math class, more because in the midst of all the other kids, I saw Melanie and I really didn't want to deal with her at the moment. 

      I quickly got settled in my seat and got my notebook and pencil set onto the desk. Math wasn't my favorite subject but I was still good at it. For the first 10 minutes, it was only me and Mr.Corda in the classroom but then soon enough kids came walking in and I couldn't help but feel nervous as I waited for Mike to walk through, and he did soon enough. I could feel my cheeks heat up in a blush and I smiled as he looked at me. He smiled back and immediately walked over. "How come the past two times I've seen you, you haven't been wearing anything to keep you warm?" I felt a blush come over my face again. "I uh, well I have something to keep me warm but I'm not wearing it right now." He laughed a little. "Well that's reassuring that you at least have something this time. I laughed along with him. "Yeah I guess it is." Our conversation kept going like this, with some awkward silences in between, but I'd have to say it was still one of the best conversations I've had in a while. The only thing that could and did ruin it was the chiming of the dreaded bell, which made Mike smile at me before he went to his seat. Oh this was going to be a long class.

      I've gotten through half of the day so far without a glance or word from Melanie. Now it was lunchtime and I was sitting by the bathrooms. I had gone to the restroom after leaving science and Mike had just gone in after I walked out so I decided to wait for him, 1 because it would be rude to leave him without knowing where I went and 2, I wasn't sure where they sat everyday for lunch. It was going okay at first, I was sitting in between the two restroom doors, sketchbook and pencil in hand. I was drawing another picture of Mike, from when he smiled at me before sitting down in math class. I was calm, collected, and most of all, I was happy. This was like a dream come true, I had always imagined being friends and even more with Mike, but not once did I think it was going to be true, for either part. Of course my moment had to be broken by the last person I had wanted to see. Melanie. "(y/n)?" Her voice hit my ears and I looked up. She was only a yard away from me, coming out of math. I just stared at her. She didn't look upset or hurt that I hadn't been with her this morning or the rest of the weekend, she looked more confused instead. "What are you doing by the bathrooms?" I just blinked. "Why won't you talk to me? What's wrong?" "Don't play as if you're in the clear. You know exactly what's wrong." Her nose wrinkled up as the confusion washed from her face. "You're mad about Saturday." I stared at her again, a way of confirming to her that she was right. "It's not my fault, you know that right? I didn't mean to like the same person you did and it's not my fault that you can't even talk to him." "I'm sick of your lies, Melanie." "What?" "You always take what others have or want, I just always ignored it, but now I've had enough. You know what you were doing when you went after him and you know what you were doing when you were trying to embarrass me by telling everyone about my crush." "I didn't!" "I don't wanna hear it." I glared at her and I guess that's what broke her. Her face contorted into anger. "Fine, maybe I did. I was sick of you always gushing about him. 'Mike is so cute.' 'What do you think Mike is thinking about today?' and on and on. I thought maybe if I like him, you'd back off because it was your nature to do so, and then just to add on, I called a few girls and yeah, I spread it around. I was doing you a favor. All you do is stare at him, (y/n), draw him, imagine scenarios with him but not once will you ever talk to him." "Talk to who?" I jumped a little at the voice I've grown to love. Mike. "No one." I quickly said, looking at him. Melanie looked at him too, a sickly sweet smile on her face. "Hey Mikey!" His face turned into an uncomfortable one. "Please don't call me that." Her smile faltered for a moment but it didn't fully fall. "Who were you talking about?" "Don't worry about it Mike, it was-" Melanie interrupted me with a simple, "You." "What?" "You see, this girl right here is obsessed and-" "Melanie, shut it." She ignored me and kept going. "And she's never been able to work up the nerve to talk to you, but she's studied you for a while. What do you think covers most of those sketchbook pages?" She walked over and plucked it out of my hands and flipping it open before I could react. She went to turn it around and I jumped after it, but failed as she moved away and succeeded in turning it around. It was the very first picture that I had of him in that sketchbook. The one of him laughing in science class. I stared in horror at her and Mike said nothing. After a few more moments, I collected myself and I stood up and snatched my book from her, not even taking a second look at Mike before running off. 

      Authors Note: Don't worry, this isn't the end! I hope you guys like this chapter, I like it. I'm glad I was able to update again and I'm going to try to update as much as I can. Thank you for all of the support I've gotten with this story and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! :)

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