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                                                                                ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      "I can't do it guys, I just can't." I said, turning around and facing Dustin, Lucas, and Will. "Don't be a sissy, man! Just go ask her before it's too late!" Lucas whisper yelled at me. "It isn't that simple!" "It should be that simple if Dustin was able to ask Stacy out!" "Hey!" "You asked Stacy?" I looked at Dustin. "She said no, but yeah, I did." "And that's exactly why I'm not able to ask! What if she says no?" "I think she likes you." Will told me, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "For real?" "Yeah. Her friends bug her about you like, all the time. I don't think they know I can hear, but it happens." I closed my eyes for a moment and took a breath. "Alright. I'm gonna go do it."

                                                                                ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      "Would you guys shut up?!" I cried out, embarrassed. The Snowball was coming up and my friends had been bothering me more and more frequently about asking Mike. "If he doesn't ask me then he obviously doesn't want to go with me." "That's not true!" My friend, Jeena, told me. "What if he is just as scared as you are?" "I'm not scared." "Then why won't you ask him?" "Because.."  I trailed off, not able to think of a good enough reason. "Because I..." I tried to start, but only trailed off again. "Exactly!" Lisa told me with a smile. "I'm not scared." I grumbled, setting my stuff for lunch down. But I was. The idea of asking Mike to the Snowball, let alone talking to him, terrified me out of my mind. I listened as my friends continued to talk, but I didn't add in. I say listened more as a loose term. It was more I acknowledged them speaking, but I didn't care, not right now. 

      I stared at my uneaten lunch. Mike didn't have anyone to go with him, and neither did I. Maybe Jeena was right. What if Mike is scared of asking me, just like I'm scared of asking him? I need to find him.

      I shot up in my seat. Lisa looked at me with a questioning look. "(y/n)?" I looked at her, but I said nothing, I just turned and ran out of the cafeteria. 

      I checked the science classroom first, then the AV Club meeting area. I wasn't in it, but I knew where everything for it was. "Stupid, he was probably in the lunch area. You didn't even look before you left there." I muttered to myself. "I'll try his locker first before going back." After all this time throughout the school year, me and Mike haven't exchanged many words, but we are locker buddies. Our lockers sit right next to each other, allowing me to see him every day and always in between periods. 

      I turned myself around and headed towards where Mike's locker was. I took quick, hurried steps, hoping and praying that he was somewhere near his locker, I didn't even care if he was with his friends at this point. 

      I turned the corner and slammed into someone. I stumbled back a few steps, then fell, the other person doing the same. I groaned in pain and looked up, freezing in my spot. "Mike?" He had been getting up and he looked at me with wide eyes. "(y/n)?" His voice came out in a squeak. He held his hands out to me and I placed my hands in his. He gently pulled me up, but didn't let my hands go. "I am so so sorry, (y/n), I wasn't watching where I was going, I was just in a rush to find someone.. In a rush to find you. I need to ask you something." I didn't say anything. I just stayed frozen and nodded a little. "W-well, I've been meaning to ask you for a little while, but the.." He cleared his throat. "The Snowball is coming up and I w-was wondering if you wanted to-" Without thinking, I quickly leaned over and kissed him. "I'd love to." I told him, smiling.

                                                                             ~ Time Skip ~

                                                                          ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      "Smile for another picture!" "Mom, no!" The flash went off anyway. "Mom, we have to go, or we're gonna be late to meet (y/n)!" "Your girlfriend." She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I groaned in annoyance, going out to the car. 

      When I walked in, (y/n) was not here yet, but both of her friends were. They smiled and waved, giggling as they did so, and I just awkwardly waved back, sitting at a table so I could wait for (y/n). 

      She came flooding in with a lot of the other students and my jaw dropped when I saw her. She was wearing a (f/c) dress that went down to her knees, with (color of choice) flats to match. Her hair was placed beautifully upon her head and I could see some glitter on her face, she was also wearing lipgloss. I stood up and quickly went to her. I grabbed her hand, causing her to jump, but she smiled once she realized it was me. "You look beautiful. Just absolutely.. Just wow." I could see the blush creeping onto her cheeks and felt it for my own. "And you look just outstanding Mr. Wheeler. Absolutely handsome." I smiled and then we laughed together. 

      We stood their awkwardly for a few minutes, with me still holding her hand as people moved around us. I shuffled my feet nervously then looked up at her. "So do you.. you know, wanna dance?" Her eyes widened and she looked a little scared. "Well, I'd love to but.. But I don't-" "Know how?" She nodded. "That's okay, I don't either, but we can learn together, right?" "I- I guess so." I smiled at her and kissed her cheek before leading her into the crowd of other dancers.

      Author's Note: Hello guys! I just wanted to let you know that my It imagines book is up if anyone would like to read it. Also  for everyone that celebrates it, I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I'm hoping you guys enjoyed this chapter, I thought it was cute. I hope you guys have an amazing day/night and thank you all for the nice, encouraging comments on all of my stories!

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now