Run Away (Part 4)

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                                                                                ~ Mike's P.O.V ~ 

      I came to a stop at a lake that was near the woods. Her arms left my waist and she got off. I followed her action and leaned my bike against one of the trees. When I turned around, she was sitting by the water's edge. "Eight?" "Come sit." "Okay.." I slowly walked over and sat by her. It was quiet for a moment. "They want us for our powers." She whispered. "Powers?" "Yes.. We all can do different things, some are similar. We are born with them. Then the bad men steal us from our families.. And they test us. Make us do things that we don't want to do, but we have to or they punish us." "Punish you how?" "It.. depends on the person. For a few people it was being put in small places, others.. it was more violent." "What was yours?" She was quiet, then she pulled up her pant leg. There was a long  mark across her leg, and it looked fresh. Under it you could see smaller marks that had been made long ago. "Oh my god.." I reached over and she let me. I ran my finger along the edge and then I looked at her. "What's your power?" She was quiet for a moment, then she faced me and placed her hands on the sides of my face. "Close your eyes." She told me as she did so herself. I hesitated at first but then slowly did as she told me. First I felt sad, scared, hurt, then images came to me. A young girl getting tattooed on. I realized I could walk forward and saw the numbers were '008'. "Eight.." I looked around. "These are her memories." Then all around me went cloudy and reformed to another memory. 

      There was an older man sitting across from her at a table. "Come on Eight, just this one tiny thing and you won't be punished." She looked at him, tears in her eyes. She couldn't have been older than 7. "Papa, I can't, I can't." "Yes you can, you can." She shook her head. The man stood up. "Then you give me no choice." He pressed something on his wrist and her eyes widened. "Papa, no!" Two men in white came in and grabbed her. "Papa!" She kicked her legs as they picked her up. "Papa!" They took her out into the hallway and the man she called Papa followed.  "It's not my fault you steal children cause you're too lonely to have any of your own, Dr.Brenner!" His eyes widened and so did mine. "Go for longer boys!" Dr.Brenner yelled as they walked into a pair of doors. Then her screams were heard and I ran forward. As soon as I ran through the door, I almost ran back out. She was strapped to a table and the men were marking her skin with knives. "Eight.." Then it went cloudy again.

      Eight was older now. Maybe 10. She was standing in front of Dr.Brenner. Her hands were on his face, the same as it was with mine now. Her eyes were closed but his were not. "Eight?" He whispered after a few moments, then seconds later her face twisted into anger and her eyes opened. She took her hands off of his face and stepped back. "You're not my Papa.." "What do you mean, Eight? I am-" "Don't call me that.. It's not my name." "Of course it is." "No, my real Mama and Papa wanted to call me (y/n) before you took me away!" "You know your mama died years ago." "No! That's just a lie you've told me and ten other children!" She stepped back farther as he came closer. "Eight-" "Stay away from me." "Listen. Maybe I lied but it was to-" "I said stay away.." He stopped and snarled. "Fine." Then he left.

      Next were the images of her running away and being with me. The emotions came back with it too. Comfort, happiness, caring, and love. They kept beating around, the same beat as my heart, as hers. Then it all fell away. 

      When I opened my eyes, her hands were still on my face but nothing else was happening. Her eyes were open too, her (e/c) eyes staring back into mine. I looked down at her lips then back at her and she whispered, "Go ahead." So I leaned in and I kissed her.

                                                                                  ~ Your P.O.V ~

      After I showed Mike my powers, what I could do and.. What I felt, we stayed where we were. At first I just stared into his eyes and then I saw them flicker down to my lips. I felt the small flicker of what he wanted to do so I told him quietly, "Go ahead." Then he kissed me. It wasn't perfect at first, he half missed my lips, but it was perfect to me. In mid-kiss he readjusted his lips and pulled me closer to him. After a few more seconds it broke off and we rested our foreheads together. "I really like you Mike.." He smiled. "I really like you too."

                                                                                 ~ A Week Later ~ 

      I hid under the staircase as Mike and his friends played what they call, 'Dungeons and Dragons'. D&D for short. He told me I couldn't meet them yet so I could stay safe. For the past week we've continued building up our relationship with small kisses and just now with hand-holding. The boys started screaming. "We're in deep shit." One of his friends said and I silently laughed. Then the basement door opened. "Michael, it's time for them to go." I heard him running upstairs and then his voice was muffled. "Does a 7 count?" One of his friends said. "Did Mike see it?" "No.." "Then it doesn't count!" I listened to them scramble around and then up the stairs. 

      After they left I got a pounding headache. Something was wrong. Very wrong. I heard Mike coming down the stairs and then he crawled under them to find me. "Hey (y/n).." He had started calling me that after I showed him my memories. He gently cupped my cheeks and kissed me but stopped when he noticed I didn't kiss back. "(y/n)? What's the matter?" I looked at him fearfully. "Something is wrong.. very very wrong. Something got opened that isn't supposed to be. I can feel it." "I don't feel anything." "It might be my powers that have me pick up on it.." I looked up and felt panic. "Mike something is wrong.." 

      I gripped my head as I crumpled to the ground. I could hear Mike in the background, calling my name but a weird noise covered him. It was clicking and then I saw it. A big monster with a mouth that when opened, it was like a flower in bloom. The lights around it were flickering and it was in the middle of the street. Then the image disappeared. 

      My eyes opened and I saw a worried Mike hovering over me. "Oh thank goodness you're okay.." He kissed my forehead. "I know what's wrong." "What?" "A monster is on the loose.." I got up and began to head towards the back door. "(y/n), wait, where are you going?" I turned back. "I have to kill the monster before it gets us, gets you." "But-" I kissed him. "I'll be back, I promise Mike." He leaned his forehead to mine and kissed me one more time. "Be safe, okay?" "Always." Then I slipped out the door.

                                                                 ~ The Next Day ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      I sat worriedly at my desk. (y/n) hadn't come home last night. I was hoping she'd be back tonight though. Lucas and Dustin sat down at their desks beside mine just as the bell rang. We all looked to Will's seat. "Oh man, Will has never been this late.." Lucas said. I bit my lip. (y/n) and Will both in one night? I tried not to think about how she mentioned a monster either as our test was set in front of us.

                                                                       ~ Skip to looking for Will ~

      It was pouring and the jacket was barely covering me. (y/n) hadn't come back since the time she left and so even though Lucas and Dustin thought we were just looking for Will, I was looking for her too. "Guys we should go back." Dustin yelled over the rain. "If you're gonna be a little baby Dustin, then you should go back yourself." Dustin went quiet as we continued on. Then there was rustling. "What was that?" Dustin whispered, then it was heard again and we all turned. My flashlight went to a girl and at first I thought it was (y/n) but after a second I realized it wasn't.

      We took her to my house. My disappointment weighing on me the whole way. Where was (y/n)? I wanted her back so badly yet I couldn't even find her..

      Authors Note: Here is another chapter, and don't worry it's not the exact end, the next chapter will be. I hope you guys and enjoy it and have a wonderful day! :) Let me know what you think.

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