Hurt (Part 6)

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                                                                            ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

      Hopper sped to the hospital and what would have taken 15 minutes took 5. (y/n) had been going in and out of unconsciousness so when we arrived, she was out. Hopper picked her up and I jumped out of the car, running to the doors, Hopper not too far behind me. I slid to a stop and grabbed the edges of the front counter. "We need a doctor. It's an emergency." The front lady slowly looked at me and my panicky mess. "What's the emergency?" "My friend, sh-" Hopper moved me out of the way. "This girl needs a doctor. Over 5 minutes ago I saved her from drowning and she's not doing so well." The front lady scoffed but picked up a phone and dialed a number. After a short conversation, she looked at us again. "A doctor will be here in 10 minutes." I wanted to groan and demand faster but I knew I couldn't especially now now, we just went to the waiting room. Hopper set her down in the chair next to mine and then he sat down himself. Her head slid down to my shoulder and I'm sure I would've been mad blushing if we weren't in this situation.

      By the time the doctor had came, my leg was bouncing in serious nervousness and anticipation and I had chewed all my fingernails. Hopper scooped her up once we were called and I practically ran after them. Hopper set her on the bed but right after, we were both shooed back to the waiting room. I sat down in my same spot, putting my head in my hands. This was going to be a long wait. 

      2 hours. We had been here for 2 hours and still nothing. Hopper had fallen asleep after calling my mom 30-40 minutes ago. I was a little tired but I couldn't sleep, not now, not until I knew that (y/n) was okay. Just then a doctor walked out. "Is anyone here for (y/n)?" I jumped up, accidentally elbowing Hopper in the head while doing so. "We are!" "You can see her if you'd like." I nodded and ran after him, leaving Hopper dazedly confused as he followed behind us. When we got to (y/n)s room, she was awake but looked tired. Once she saw me her eyes lit up and she quickly sat up. "MIKE!" A smile formed onto her face and I ran over, gently hugging her. I noticed the doctor quietly discussing something with Hopper, probably (y/n), but at the moment, I didn't care. I held on tight to (y/n), for a while, and when I let go I felt tears come to my eyes. "I was so scared that something was going to go wrong and you were going to die. It scared me a lot to think that you were hurt and I-" (y/n) grabbed my hand and patted my hair with the other. "It's okay, I'm here now Mike." I opened my mouth but before I could say anything, Hopper said, "I'll be back in a second guys, I have to make some calls." We both nodded and then both Hopper and the doctor left the room. I squeezed (y/n)s hand and then I told her, "(y/n), I need to tell you something." "What is it Mike?" Her face flickered over to worry. "I uh.. When I first saw you, I thought you were really pretty and over the time I've been getting to spend with you..I've started to uh.." I felt my face grow red and it felt hot. "You what?" "And I really like you, (y/n). A lot. In a more than friends kind of way." Now a blush spread across her cheeks. "Y-you do?" I nodded and looked away. "I do.. But I understand if you don't like me back I-" A gentle touch to my cheek stopped me and then I was guided to looking at (y/n) again. Her hand was on my cheek and she was smiling at me. "Mike.. I like you too." I smiled and my chest felt like it would burst as she said those words. Without thinking about it I leaned over and smashed my lips onto hers. The kiss was short and sweet and when I pulled away, she flashed her beautiful smile. A blush grew on my cheeks after I processed what I had just done but I smiled back. "Well.. uh, (y/n) maybe once you're better, I can take you out somewhere, like a uh.. like a date. Only if you want to though." She leaned back in her bed. "I'd love that." I momentarily let her hand go when I saw her yawn, and I grabbed one of the chairs from along the wall. I pulled the chair up to the side of her bed and then I grabbed her hand again. "You can go to bed (y/n), I'll stay right here." She nodded and closed her eyes and soon, her breathing became slower and it evened out, letting me know that she was asleep. I kissed her hand lightly before leaning on her bed side, falling asleep too.

      Authors Note : So that was the end of this imagine! I wanna apologize so much for not updating much, I've just run out of time to do so and school has been really busy. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though it is a little short. I'll try to post again soon with a new imagine. I hope you all have a good day/night! :)

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now