Through the Years (Part 1)

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Note: In this imagine, it will be a couple of years back before we get to the current time ages of Mike and the Reader.

                                                                            ~ Karen's P.O.V ~

       I watched as Michael played with his little train. I had only given birth to him 2 years ago and he's gotten so big! I laughed as he made the train fly into the air the crash into the ground. That's when he looked at me. "Momma!" I went and kneeled down by him. "What is it, Mikey?" "Park?" I thought for a moment. Ted was out and probably wouldn't be back until sundown. "Park?" He asked again. "Okay, but only for an hour or two, lets go get Nancy." He clapped his hands and laughed. I laughed along with him and I picked him up, walking to Nancy's room. I knocked on the door and then slowly opened it. Inside on the floor sat Nancy coloring. "Hey Nancy, wanna go to the park?" She looked up excitedly, her brown, curly pigtails swaying as she looked up. "Yes mommy!" "Get your shoes on and we'll go." "Okay!" She ran to her closet, cheering as she put her shoes on. I laughed, shaking my head, leaving her room to go put on my own shoes, along with Michael's.

      I pushed Michael along with Nancy holding  onto the stroller handle. As soon as the park came to view, Nancy went running and Michael was jumping up and down. "Calm down Michael, we're almost there." I laughed. When we got to the park, Nancy was already running up the structure and I noticed another mom there as well. She was walking with a small toddler who had (h/c) colored pigtails. They were on the playground area meant for toddlers. "Hey look, there's someone here that can play with you." He excitedly looked around. "Where? Where?!" "Over there. Let me just get you out of your stroller first." "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" I shook my head with a light laugh. "Okay, okay." I pulled the stroller off to the side and leaned down, starting to unbuckle him. I picked him up and turned around, finding the other mom pointing at me and Michael, both of their gazes on us. "Look, it seems like they saw us too." I whispered and he started jumping up and down in my arms. "Play. Play. Play!" I smiled without a response and started walking towards the other mother and her child. 

      So far I've learned that the mother's name is (y/m/n) and her daughter is named (y/n). (y/n) is about the same age as Michael is. I've spent the past hour talking to (y/m/n) and watching Michael and (y/n) play together. They seem to be getting along so well and it has given me and her mom quite a few laughs. (y/n) seems to have taken a liking in calling him Mike and so far, that's all I've heard her say. 

      "Mike! Mike!" She giggled from the top of the play steps. They were playing hide and seek and it was her turn to find him. He giggled along with her, his hand over his mouth. He was behind a slide. It wasn't the best hiding place but I guess in their minds it would be. She toddled down the steps, still laughing as she went. "Mike?" Her small, high-pitched voice went out through the air and Michael's other hand went over the first, trying to make it where she couldn't hear him laugh. Sadly that failed and another giggle rang out.  She turned away from under the stairs and looked at the slide. "Mikey?" He shoved his fist in his mouth and I couldn't help but smile as I watched. He stepped back and his foot moved into her view. "MIKE!" She started running on her tiny legs towards the slide, laughing as she went. He quickly realized she had found him and had started running too. "MIKE! MIKE! I FOUND YOOOOUUU!" She giggled out. (y/m/n) and me couldn't help but laugh at the two as (y/n) caught up to Michael and tackled him. "I got you!" She called out before they both fell back into a giggling mess.

      We only stayed for 30 more minutes at the park before both Michael and (y/n) both started to get tired and ready for a nap. "Alright Michael, Nancy, it's time to go!" I said, walking over to where (y/n) and Michael sat playing in some sand. "Nooooooo!" Michael cried, along with a sad look from (y/n). "I don't wanna leave (y/n)!" I leaned down and he started to scoot back. "Please Michael, we can play with them again soon." "I don't wanna stop playing!" (y/n) sadly looked between me and Michael and then at her mom. "She's right, (y/n), it's time to go." (y/m/n) came walking over, reaching down for (y/n) who had barely anytime to react or pull away. "Mike!" She cried out, reaching down for him. "(y/n)!" He stood up to try and get to her, which was when I caught him. "No!" He started to kick and scream. "Please! Mommy!" His voice almost broke my heart, along with their broken faces. "Shh, Michael, it's okay. We can play again tomorrow, okay? I promise.. I promise." He looked up at me, his face looking torn, then he looked back at (y/n). Her facial expression only reflected his, then he looked up at (y/m/n). In his mind, it probably felt like deciding the fate of the world. "Tomorrow?" His voice was barely a whisper. (y/m/n) smiled and nodded. "Tomorrow." Michael grew less tense in my arms. (y/n) looked at both of us sadly as I turned to walk away, Nancy following behind me. "I love you (y/n)!" Michael called. "I love you." She said, tones of sadness lacing all through her voice. After Michael was in his stroller, I turned around and watched for just a moment as (y/n)'s mom was calming her down as she stared at us, the tears clear on her face. In that moment I felt my heart break into two. This was only the first time they met yet it felt like it would be the last.

      Authors Note: So I like this part a lot and I was wondering if you would like me to turn it into a full book instead. I'm also sorry for not updating lately but I'm trying. I hope you all have a good day! :)

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