A Start (Part 1)

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                                                                               ~ (y/n)s P.O.V ~

      I sat at the table, hands cupping a small styrofoam cup. In the cup was hot chocolate, ordered about an hour ago. It was only filled to halfway now, the hour had been filled with sips and staring. All around me sat people, barely any tables had no one at them. It was most likely because of the cold. Snow had filled every inch of Hawkins. I took a glance outside, at the white blanket that had been laid onto the town. I didn't look long, I just turned my gaze back to my cup. I caught sight of my self in the silver napkin dispenser that sat on the table. My hair had been messed up, my eyes looked sad and tired, I didn't look my best at the moment. I didn't even have a jacket, maybe that's why I was stalling. 

      Earlier in the day, I had been with a friend. Her name was Melanie. Her hair was platinum blonde, and curled on the ends, her lips full and plump, and her eyes were as dark as midnight. I thought we had been best friends. I told her everything, and now I regret it. There's a code with friendship, you don't go after you best friend's crush, ever. Not only do you not do that, but you also never tell your best friend's secrets to someone else. Melanie did both, she broke both codes. Once I had found out, I ran from her, from my house (where we had been). I was upset, I still am. It started to snow while I was running, and I ended up at the cafe, upset, I still am.

      For the past 2 years, I've had a crush on a boy with pale skin and dark, floppy hair. I have never talked to him, but I've watched him. Not in a creepy way, at least not in my opinion. I looked at him with my feelings and an artists mind. I loved to draw, and he just happened to be what the lines became. I shared all of my classes with him, but not once had we been paired up for a project or talked to one another. I wished I would, but I've never had the courage to, so it hasn't happened. Melanie knew about my crush right as it started, then today she admitted she liked him too and she had talked to him. She told me that she was going to try and be his girlfriend. To make that worse, another one of my good friends called to tell me that the rumor of my crush had started making its way through people. I immediately went after Melanie when I heard that and then I ran. 

      I sighed and ran a hand through my (h/c) colored hair before looking at the small book that has been sitting in my lap the whole time. It was the only thing I grabbed before I left. My sketch book. I removed my hands from around the cup and gingerly took the book out of my lap, setting it on the table in front of me. I felt the urge to flip through it, even though I already knew what was inside. Pictures of flowers, bugs, people, but most of the pages were covered with him. Mike Wheeler. That was who I had a thing for, the person I couldn't be with. I always looked at him but I doubt he's ever taken a second glance at me. Maybe Melanie was right.. She'd have a better chance with him anyway.. No stop it, I can't think like that. 

      I took a shy look around the room, to make sure no one was about to look or come over before I grabbed the cover of the book, and opened it. The first page was flowers,  daisies to be exact. The next was 2 doves, then after that was when I started drawing Mike. The first was from science class, he was laughing at something one of his friends had said, but I only drew him. The next one was him from an english test. I went through a couple more drawings of him and just as I turned the page to a drawing of my mother, someone sat down in the chair across from me. 

      I looked up, startled and slightly confused. Then my face began to heat up and I'm sure it was turning red. Across from me was Mike. "Hi." The word slipped from his mouth so easily, so casually. "H-hi." I mentally cursed myself for getting so nervous. It was just Mike, I could talk to him like a normal person.. Right? "You go to Hawkins Middle, well I mean obviously, that's the only middle school in Hawkins." He smiled, looking embarrassed. "Uh.. yeah." I continued to stare at him, but once his eyes looked into mine, I looked away. "That's a pretty cool drawing. Who is it?" "My mom." I said, looking back at him. "Wow. I wish I could draw as good as you. I have a friend named Will, you've probably seen him around, but he's really good at drawing too." "Yeah, I've seen him around, I've never talked to him though." "Who do you talk to?" "I-" Melanie flickered across my mind, but then I shoved her out. I wasn't going to talk to her, not anymore. Yeah, I had other friends but those were people who I couldn't hang out with all the time, not like with Melanie. They all always have something to do, Melanie never did, so we always hung out, but now thing were going to be different. "No one." I whispered. "No one?" "Well I used to.. but we're-she isn't my friend anymore." "Oh, I'm sorry." "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll find someone else to hang out with." I felt slightly guilty. That was a flat out lie, maybe he didn't know it, but I did. We sat there in silence for a moment before I saw his eyes light up. "Hey! Maybe you can hang out with me and my friends! They're all pretty cool and I'm sure that they wouldn't mind." I looked at him, feeling a flash of hope inside of me. Mike Wheeler wanted me to hang out with him? This seemed as if something I could only dream up. I realized I hadn't answered yet and he was staring at me, cheeks tinted pink and he was biting his lip in a nervous way. "I'd love to." His face lit up. "Okay. Cool. Um.." He looked outside for a moment then back at me. "I have to go soon." He stood up. "Do you want me to walk to your house?" "You really don't have to." "I know." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "But I want to." "Are you sure?" He looked back at me. "I'm sure."

      The first few minutes of the walk had been awkward. I now had another cup of hot chocolate in my hands and the cold hadn't gotten to me yet. Soon enough, Mike brought my drawings up again which led to a game called Dungeons and Dragons. As the conversation went on and on, I got more excited and then I started to not notice when I actually got cold. Mike was the first to notice, and he immediately stopped me. "Hey.. you're shivering." I looked at my arms, which had naturally curled around each other in attempt for warmth. I was in fact, slightly shaking. "I uh, yeah.. I forgot a jacket when I came out earlier." Mike looked at me with concern and then started to shake off his coat. "You can use mine." "What? No-" I started to object but he stopped me. "It's okay, I'm wearing two, my mom gets overprotective. I don't need two." He held the coat out to me. "You can take it for now." I looked at him uncertainly but then I took the coat from his hands with my numb fingers. I then shrugged on the dark blue coat. Warmth immediately came over me and I stopped shivering. Mike stared at me. "Better?" I nodded with a smile. "Better." 

      We seemed to come to my house way too soon. As soon as the pale yellow house came into view, my heart sunk. I didn't want Mike to leave, not now. But you can't always get what you want, and when he led me up to my porch, the more that came to my mind, but I still felt a little upset about it. Then we were at my door, standing awkwardly, his hands were in his pockets and mine were in front of my, and my fingers were dancing together. "So.. uh.." He started out. "Thank you." I quickly told him. "For walking me home." He smiled. "Of course, anytime." I smiled too, and then it was quiet again. "Well I should probably get going before it gets to dark, I'll talk to you on Monday, okay?" "Okay." He smiled at me and then he turned to go down the porch steps. "Mike, wait!" "Yeah?" He turned back around, confusion written on his face. I walked over and kissed his cheek. Once I had stepped back and realized what I had done, my face went up in flames and his cheeks lit up in a red color as well. "I'll.. see you Monday?" I said softly. He nodded, as if in a daze. "Yeah.. Monday." Then I went inside and watched as he darted down the street and out of sight. Once he was gone, I ran to my room and shut my door behind me. I leaned against it for a moment, realizing I still had Mike's coat on, but the thought barely processed in my mind. I went  and jumped onto my bed, burying my face into my pillow. I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just kissed Mike Wheeler on the cheek.. I mean it was just the cheek but maybe it's just a start. 

      Author's Note : Hi guys! I'm so so so so so sorry I haven't posted in almost a month! I've gotten super busy with school and a lot of my time has been going towards studying for tests and homework. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully I can post again soon! I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! :)

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