Hurt (Part 5)

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                                                                                ~ (y/n) P.O.V ~

      I sat beside Mike on the dock, our feet in the lake. We've been suspended for about a week now, only 3 more days to go. Mike didn't get in trouble, well after his mom realized the whole story. Joyce only gave me a small talk on how violence wasn't the answer but other than that, the situation was okay. Both Karen and Joyce argued with the principal about the situation and not only got our punishment lessened but for Troy and his friends to get a punishment as well, the same as us plus they got trash duty for a month. Over the past week, I've spent a lot of time with Mike since everyone else is either at school or at work and Karen stays at home a lot. I didn't mind it though, I spent more time with Mike and felt myself liking him a lot. I had told this to Will a few days ago and all he did was say, "Maybe he likes you too." and he laughed but I'm not sure why. I was thinking back on it now. It was really weird.. He looked at me like he knew something and-

      My thoughts were broken when I was pushed off of the dock and when I surfaced I heard laughter and then another splash.. but it wasn't Mike's laughter that I was hearing.. I opened my eyes as I struggled to stay afloat. Mike had just surfaced and I saw Troy and one of his friends on the dock, replacing us in the spots. "Look what we've got here.." Troy laughed and I went under again, but only for a second. "-you guys want?" I heard when I resurfaced. "Really? Is that not clear to you Frogface? You guys got me and my friends a suspension AND trash duty for a month!" "Technically you got yourself into that, you were the one who was bullying us, and we got almost the same thing." "I don't care what you got, I care what me and my friends got.." He looked at me as my head bobbed back under. His stare was still there when I came back up. "Why are you so quiet? Cat got your tongue?" He leaned down and I tried to swim back but I couldn't.. I couldn't swim. I stared at him, not saying a word as I sunk some but kept above the water. He laughed at me and I glared. "You won't talk because you're too busy trying to swim, eh? What? Daddy and Mommy never let you go swim in the neighborhood pool? Did Daddy not love you enough that he wouldn't even teach you how to swim?" My glare faltered but it didn't fall, but he laughed as it faltered. "Is that what it is?" "Leave me alone." "I will, just.. do me a favor." "I'd rather not." He gave me a sly smile and then stood up. He turned as if to walk away but then jumped in behind me. I felt something grab my ankle and then yanked me under. I screamed at the last second and I saw Mike start swimming towards me and a muffled yell. It was all dark and I closed my eyes to stop the water from burning them. I knew it was Troy pulling me down but all I could think tat this was such a sick joke to play. I felt his grip release and I started to frantically try and swim to the top but something heavy pushed me down. My lungs burned and I pushed against whatever it was. 'He's trying to MURDER ME!' was all I could think. Then all the weight was off of me and I floated to the top. I sucked in a breath and then immediately coughed up some water. "(y/n)!" Mike said, swimming towards me. I immediately noticed Troy's friend was gone, but I didn't care. I started trying to push myself towards Mike but something wrapped around my waist and I realized it was Troy. Something cold and metallic pressed against my throat. "Let her go Troy." "I don't think I want to, Frogface." "Why not take me instead?" "Because you're something old, she's a new victim, and easier one too. You can already tell she has plenty of family problems.. She may be traumatized.. No one loves her.. Hmm, what else?" I closed my eyes, trying to block it all out and then I heard sirens in the distance. "Shit.." I heard Troy whisper and then he said, "Well, Frogface, if I'm gonna get caught, I have to destroy all evidence." And before anything else could happen, I was dragged under, the heavy pressure on me again. I wanted to struggle but I knew it would only make things worse, so I curled up, hoping to be let go soon. I opened my eyes and saw it was mostly dark but faint blue and red lights flashed along the top of the lake. I couldn't see Mike anywhere. My chest felt tight and in pain and then my vision started to blacken more. I was let go but I didn't rise this time, I just laid on the bottom of the lake floor. I saw Troy rise to the top and then get out. It felt like hours before I saw a bigger figure jump into the lake and start swimming towards me just as the rest of my vision went dark. 

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