A Start (Part 3)

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                                                                                ~ (y/n)s P.O.V ~

      I ran out of the school doors but only made it to the school playground before I collapsed and started crying. I can't believe Melanie did that.. I know sometimes she can be mean but I never knew that side of her. I started wiping away the tears and looked down at my sketchbook, still open to the drawing of Mike. A new wave of tears hit me as I realized my chance with him was ruined now, even with friendship. She told him that I studied him! And she showed him my drawings and.. I don't even know what to say or be mad about anymore. She's part of the reason I talked to Mike in the first place and now part of the reason he won't even look at me again. Why is it always her goal to destroy someone's life? Especially the person that has been by her most of her life..

      I was broken from my thoughts by my name being yelled out. "(y/n)!" I scrambled to my feet and crawled up the play set, going to hide into the tubing. The voice belonged to Mike, the friend I couldn't keep for even 3 days because of Melanie. "(y/n)!" He was closer now and I hugged my knees to my chest, trying to close into myself. "Please come out.. I wanna talk to you." I tried to quiet my breathing and I shut my eyes, hugging my knees tighter. I wanted to talk to him, yeah, but I wasn't ready to face him after this. Then, at the worst moment, I hiccuped. I heard him stop in his place, halfway across the park. "(y/n)?" I hiccuped again, which made me basically slap my hand to my mouth but by then it was too late. I could hear him climbing up the play set, but I couldn't bring myself to get up and move, to get up and run away. Soon enough, his face popped up in one end of the tube, just as expected. His face lit up in happiness of finding me but also slightly showed worry, probably from my tears. "Hey (y/n).." He slid in beside me in the tube. I let go of my knees and pushed them out some. I stared at my feet. "Hi.." "Why are you crying?" I looked the opposite direction of him. "(y/n)? It's okay to talk to me.. I'm not mad or upset about what happened inside if that'll make you feel better." I stayed quiet. I thought that if I answered, I'd say something stupid or in my mind, make this whole situation even worse. Then I felt a soft touch to my hand and I turned to look down at it. His hand was over mine and all I could do was stare. "What Melanie said didn't make me upset because.. This isn't how I imagined I'd tell you, but I like you too." I looked up, feeling the shock come to my body and settle in. "You do?" He nodded, looking down for a moment, his face becoming red, even all the way to his ears. "Yeah, I do. I have for a while now, I just never knew when or how to talk to you, not until I saw you all alone in the cafe. I watched you flip through your sketchbook and I just.. I had to talk to you. My body just told me to go and talk to you.. I wasn't even headed to the cafe at first but I saw you and I just had to go. I don't know if that sounds creepy, I hope it doesn't, but the point is, I really like you too." I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. "I was scared to talk to you too.. I was surprised when you first started talking to me because I never thought the day would come, I would play it out in my head but I could never get myself to talk to you, and so I didn't think it would happen.. Then today, I was sure you wouldn't even want to look at me after Melanie did that. She didn't like it when I talked about you to her.. I guess she wasn't really a true best friend like I used to think after all." "Well.." I felt his finger go under my chin, gently turning my head to look at him. "You don't have to worry about Melanie anymore, you can hang out with me and my friends if you want. They know you by name, because I would sometimes bring you up as conversation too, just.. you won't have to worry about fake friends anymore, and then maybe.. Maybe you can be my girlfriend? Only if you want."  I felt a smile come onto my face. "Of course I do!" And then in my excitement, I kissed him, only for a split second but when I pulled back, we both had smiles on our faces. We stayed there for a moment more, smiling at each other, a feverish blush placed onto both of our cheeks. Then Mike looked at his watch. "We still have 20 minutes to go eat if you wanna go do that." I nodded."I'd love to." Together we crawled out of the tube and walked back into the school and to the lunch room, hand-in-hand the whole time. 

      Auhtor's Note: Soooo I decided to post two chapters in one day! I hope you guys liked this chapter and I have a suggestion/question about this chapter of the imagine. Would you guys like me to end it here or continue for another chapter or two? I'm okay with either one. Well I hope you all have a good day/night!

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now