Soulmate (Imagine 2)

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Disclaimer: This is not connected in any way to the last imagine, I know a lot of you wanted me to do a second part but I found myself unsure on what to do with that because I hadn't planned passed the end. This is a whole new imagine.

                                                                                 ~ Mike's P.O.V ~

       "There goes your hand again." Dustin told me and I looked down. I wasn't one to draw on my hand but apparently my soulmate was. There was always some kind of reminder for homework and appointments, sometimes even doodles accompanied those. Right now it was just a group of blue swirls, slowly coming together to make a flower. "Yeah," I started, "my soulmate seems to be quite the artist." "I can tell." He said as we both set our bags down on our desks. "What's up with that blue flower? That one comes up a lot." I shrugged, taking my books out as other kids started to file into the classroom. "I'm not sure. It does come up a lot. I think it's really pretty." "You'd think anything your soulmate drew is pretty." I rolled my eyes as I watched some of the kids coming in. "What? And you wouldn't?" "I didn't say that. I'm just saying, even if the drawing was complete shit, you'd say it was pretty." "But that's the thing, it's not complete shit." "Dude, you know what I mean." I didn't answer back. (y/n) had just walked into the room. She was wearing jeans and a sweater. She wore this a lot since we were in the middle of winter, and it looked adorable on her, the only downside for me was the sleeves went over her hands, so I could never tell if she was my soulmate or not. I really hope she is.

      "You're staring again." Dustin informed me as (y/n) looked over. She brushed some of the strands of (h/c) hair out of her face, a blush dusting her cheeks as she looked back down then went to her desk. 

      I stopped looking as soon as she went to a group of desks that was behind me and I looked at Dustin. "Oh my god, she is beautiful." "You tell me everyday." He said with an eye roll. "Because it's true." "Mike, you've talked to her like one time." "Yeah, that was the best moment of my life." "All she did was ask for a pencil. If you like her that much, you should talk to her, she could be your soulmate for all you know." "Maybe." I said as Mrs. Hoggins came in. "Alright class! Settle down, it is time for class to begin." I looked back down at my hand, seeing another drawing begin to appear. My cheeks immediately began to heat up once I saw the finished product. It was a heart with my name inside it. I heard Dustin softly laugh and I looked at him, quickly seeing that he was looking at my hand. I secretly gave him the finger then turned my head back towards the teacher. I was never going to hear the end of this.

                                                                                    ~ Time Skip ~ 

      "Mike! I have great news!" Dustin said, running over to our lunch table, Will trailing behind him. "What is it?" He stood across from me. "Lucas, Will, and me have all had a discussion, and we decided to invite (y/n) to come sit with us at lunch today." I choked on my water. "You what?" I squeaked out in between coughs. "We think that you need to grow some balls and talk to her, even if she isn't your soulmate you can still be friends." "I can't be friends with someone I have a crush on! That's awkward! Where is Lucas?" "Well they were in line getting lunch, but now they're heading this way." Will said as him and Dustin both sat down across from me. "Guys, I can't-" Lucas put his lunch down by Dustin and then someone's lunch was softly put down by me. I looked with wide eyes at (y/n) and she didn't look back at me. "H-hi (y/n)." It took her a moment to answer, but she softly said back, "Hi Mike."

     We all ate lunch together then, sometimes (y/n) would talk, and sometimes she wouldn't. Half-way through, Dustin stood up. "I think I am going to go get some pudding. Will, you wanna come?" "Sure." "Lucas?" "I thought you'd never ask." Will and Lucas quickly stood up, and then before I could say anything else, the three were gone. "So.." I said awkwardly and she gave me a small smile. "How have you been?" I asked her, the first time I've actually had a conversation with her. "I think I've been doing okay. How about you Mike?" "I guess I've been doing okay too." "Good." She went back to nibbling on some fries. "I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable," I started, "But do your hands makes you feel self-conscious?" "What?" "Sorry, it's just, you have them covered almost all the time." "Oh.. Not exactly self-conscious I guess, just I draw a lot on them and sometimes I write embarrassing things, so..." "You draw a lot?" "Yeah.. Just dumb things though, flowers, occasionally a bird, most of the time it's just doodling, a bunch of nonsense." "Blue flowers?" I saw her freeze up. "How.. How did you know that?" I held my hand up in an awkward sort of way. "Because uh.. My soulmate draws a lot too. Flowers, the occasional bird, a bunch of nonsense. I don't think it's anything dumb though." She covered her face, clearly embarrassed. "Apparently, my soulmate also likes to draw hearts with names inside them, well, specifically it is with my name inside, which I guess is a good thing since, you know, they are my soulmate." I smiled, a blush coming to my cheeks too. "I shouldn't have drawn that!" She said, but it came out muffled because of her sleeves and I laughed a little. "Can I see your hands?" She kept one hand covering her face, and the other she extended for me to see. I slowly pushed back her sleeve and the excitement in me just exploded. Her hand was an identical match to mine. "Holy shit! It is you!" I smiled and looked at her, barely giving her time to respond before I engulfed her in a hug. "All this time I've been hoping it was you, and it is! Oh my god, it is." She slowly went to hug me back. "You wanted it to be me?" I pulled from the hug. "Absolutely. You can ask Dustin. I'd tell him every day." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "Well you might know already, but I was hoping that my soulmate was you too." I laughed, hugging her again, not taking much notice to Dustin, Will, and Lucas, who were silently cheering a few feet away.

      Author's Note: I'm so so sorry. I haven't been really sure on what to write about recently and have been having this sort of writers block. I may or may not regret this because I know many writers who get overwhelmed when this happens, but I am open to you guys messaging me ideas for imagines, but I only do (y/n) (No specific looks or names, sorry). If you do that, or have any ideas (I'm basically asking for requests), just personally message me with the story idea. I'm not sure how long I'll do this for but thank you. I hope you all have an amazing day/night!

Mike Wheeler Your Local Girlfriend Stealer (Mike Wheeler Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now