"Miranda are you okay?" Jon asked as I watched Jay leave.
"No I'm not okay. I love him and now he is just gone." I said.
"It's okay I'm still here." Jon said.
"No it's not. It's not the same." I said.
"Not the same? What do you mean not the same?" I said.
"I mean it's not going to be the same without him Jon. He wasn't just my lover he was my best friend, my trainer, my everything." I said.
"I'm sorry I can't help that he left." Jon said.
"I know. I just hate that he had to walk out like that. He said he would never let go. He lied to me. He was suppose to be here forever." I said crying.
"Miranda its okay, I'll be here forever if you want me to." Jon said. I looked up and him and he looked down at me.
"Jon you don't mean it. Your going to skip out like he did." I said.
"You couldn't get rid of me even if you hit me with a bus." He said hugging me.
"I love you Jon." I said holding onto him and crying on his shoulder.
"I love you to Miranda. Love you like the ocean, it goes on forever." I said.
"Let's get married on better terms okay?" I asked.
"Okay." He said.
"Let's go back to Toronto and rent a room together. Stay up all night and tell stories?" Jon asked.
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." I said.I went and told the crew I was leaving. They said it was okay. Jon and I went back to Toronto and got a room together. I looked over at the clock it was 12 am.
"Jon I love you." I said laying my head down on his chest and lacing are fingers together.
"Love you to." He said.
"What was your favorite us moment?" I asked.
"The first time we kissed in the rain." He said.
"It was like magic. It was just you and me walking in the park holding hands and it started raining. I looked at you and you look so beautiful. I was memorized. I leaned down and kissed you and it was..... Perfect."
"I love that moment to." I said.
"What's yours?" Jon asked.
"When you told me that story. I love that story and I always will." I said.
"I'm glad you liked it." He said.
"Your so amazing Jon. Promise me something?" I asked.
"What?" I said.
"You'll never leave me." I said.
"I promise. " He said.
"Promise me something?" He asked.
"What?" I said.
"You'll love me forever." He said.
"I promise." I said.
I got on the top of Jon.
"I love you." I said making our noses touch.
"I love you to." Jon said leaning and kissing me on the lips gently. He laced are fingers together. I pulled away our foreheads now touching. I looked into his eyes. They were so beautiful.
"You are the one girl that I've been needing since I was 17 years old." He said.
"Your the boy I've needed since I was 15 years old." I said.
"I looked up to you Jon. Your were everything I wanted to be." I said.
"Oh yeah and what was that?" He asked.
"A professional wrester who didn't give a crap about anyones opinion and rose above all of the hate he got." I said.
"You where the girl that gave me inspiration." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The part you never tell anyone when you tell them I brought you home when you where younger. The part where I made love to you. I know I was you first time. I loved you. I actually felt like the day after that I actually meant something to someone." He said.
"I left you the day after though Jon." I said.
"I know but I knew you still cared and I knew you'd meet up with me again someday and look where we are." Jon said.
"Maybe your the real best friend. You have always been there for me no matter what. You slept with me and you knew I was underage. You broke the law for me law Jon." I said.
"Love makes you do crazy things." He said.
"You when I was younger I would have died to be right here. I would have died to be loved by Jonathan Good" I said.
"When I was younger I would have died to be right here to. Right here loved by a woman." He said.
"I miss this kinda nights." I said.
"Me to. I love telling you everything." He said.
"Your my prince charming." I said.
"No I'm not thats Jay place." He said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Prince Charming only saves his princess once and then you never hear about that couple again. Jonathan Good saves his princess a million times and then you hear about that couple forever." He said.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionYou should love one man and one man only, but what happens when she loves more than one? What happens when she falls for two? Will she lose her balance or will one of them pick her up?