Me and Jay had just got to the arena and of I may say I missed it. I missed wrestling and I missed my friends. I even missed Jon.
"I'm going to go see Joe and Colby okay? I'll meet up with you later." I said.
"Okay bye." Jay said.
I walked to The Shield's locker room and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Colby said.
I walked in and saw just Joe, Colby and a depressed looking Jon.
"Hey boys. Did ya miss me?!" I said smiling. Joe and Colby looked at each other and back at me frowning. Jon didn't even bother look up.
"Guys what is a matter?" I asked confused.
"Jon." Colby said.
"What?" I asked.
"You asked him." Joe said walking out with Colby leaving me and Jon alone.
"Jon what's a matter?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said with no emotion. Right then and there I knew I was cut off from all forms of emotion Jon had once given me or told me about. He was hurt and he wasn't going to tell me why.
"Jon come on tell me. I can't just stand here forever guessing whats a matter." I said.
"I don't want you to guess or even try to know what I feel. I want you to be happy his princess." He said.
"His princess?" I asked.
"Yes His princess, your not my princess anymore. Your his princess." He said.
"No Jon stop. I want you to be happy to." I said.
"I can't possibly be happy without you. You are the reasons I breath. You are the reason I wake. You are the reason I love. And as long as your happy with another guy and your not hurting I won't get in the way." He said.
"Jon I need your emotion, don't you dare cut me off." I said.
"You cut me off and my emotion shouldn't matter to you. You go get married with Jay. You have Brianna Rose Reso. You go be Mrs.Reso. Live with Jay, bare Jay's children. Love with Jay, hurt with Jon." He said.
"Love with Jon. Live with Jay. Breath with Jon. Bath with Jay." I said.
"Smile with Jay, Die with Jon." Jon said.
"Cry without Jon." I said.
"I love to the end of the earth. I live to see you smile. I just need you." Jon said.
"That whats I need to hear. I need to hear your emotion. I couldn't be cut off from it if you tried." I said smiling.
"I know but a man can try to "move
on" because the woman he loves has already done so." He said.
"Jon you don't know that." I said.
"I use to be your other half, you use to come to my house with me. I use to kiss you, and tell you I'll never let go, and well I won't, I promise. I'll hold on to your every breath. Every word you ever tell me. Ever kissed we shared. I'll hold on to that. I know you love Jay. I know you want to marry him and bare his children. I know okay. I spent two days crying over that, okay. But don't you worry about me, I'll be fine as long as I love you." He said.
"Isn't it as long as you love me?" I asked.
"Not in this situation." He said.
"Goodbye Miranda. If you hear me cry, promise me you won't come to wipe up my tears." Jon said.
"Jon I won't promise you that. I'll promise that I'm never saying goodbye and I'll come as fast as humanly possible when I hear you cry out, because when you cry out, I die inside." I said.
"I promise you that this love I have for you never will stop as long as I live." Jon said
"I have to go. Don't cry and please don't die. Love is a beautiful thing and you can't give up on it." I said kissing his cheek.
"I love you." He said.
"Forever." I said and I left.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionYou should love one man and one man only, but what happens when she loves more than one? What happens when she falls for two? Will she lose her balance or will one of them pick her up?