"Miranda." Jay said.
"Hey come sit down just picking the legend's, and the legend killer's brains." I said.
"Sounds fun." Jay said.
"Jay you have a nice protégée here." Roddy said.
"Her determination and my knowledge got us pretty far if I may say." Jay said.
"No doubt about it. Miranda your a very talented young lady and I wouldn't mind seeing you coming to Portland, Oregon to come to my grounds. I could teach you a thing or two just bring Jay,Jon,and Phil and I'll teach you all a thing or two." Roddy said.
"Coming back to Oregon. My starting grounds, I still remember sitting on my bedroom floor cheering on all the heels, didn't like the good guys very much unless they had some type of good reason to be good or they were a tweener. I would love to come by and I'll be sure to bring the guys with me, show em' my old stomping grounds. Maybe bring them back to my old home town. Thanks for everything Roddy and Randy. Talk to you guys later." I said.
"Bye, see you in Oregon in 2 months, give you a call?" Roddy asked.
"Yeah, have Randy tell you my number give me a ring." I said.
"Okay, bye." Roddy said.
I got up and Jay followed me. He walked slightly behind me. He caught up with me though.
"You have a nice butt." Jay said.
"You to my captain." I said spanking him on the butt. He kissed me.
"Let's go get Phil and the Runnels boys and lets go have a sleepover!" Jay said.
"Okay I'll go to the Runnels' locker room and get them you go to Phil's and get him." I said.
"Okay." He said heading to Phil's locker room.
I walked down the hall and I found the room the boys were in. I knocked on the door.
"Come in." Cody said.
"Y'all better not be naked." I said opening the door.
"No worries." Cody said.
"What did you need?" Dustin said.
"Let's go get our party on in Codes' room!" I said.
"Oh okay let's head out then." Dustin said picking up his bag.
"What girls did you invite?" I asked.
"Nikki, Bri, Victoria aka Alica, Natalya, JoJo,and none other than Marsye." Cody said.
"No way Ryse. Thanks Codes." I said pinching his cheek.
"No problem." He said.
We went to the car and got in.
"One hotel for Cody Runnels." Cody said to the desk lady.
"Here you go, your room is 156." She said handing him a keycard.
"Let's go." Cody said.
We all got to Cody's room and the girls came to.
"What's for dinner?" Dustin asked.
"Pizza, I'll pay if someone calls." I said.
"You got it." Dustin said pulling out his phone and order pizza and I gave him the cash.
"What game are we going to play first." Nikki said sitting in John's lap.
"Truth or Dare?" Cody questioned.
"Y-E-S!" Bri said.
"I'll go first." Cody said.
"Miranda truth or dare?" Cody asked.
"Dare." I said.
"Should of known." Cody said.
"Ummmm Miranda I dare you to ummm." He looked at Jay and smirked.
"I dare you to try and make Jay hard." Cody said.
"CodesBear no!" I said.
"You have to do it." Nikki said.
"Okay. Whatever." I said.
I got on to Jay's lap and kissed him hard and rough put passionately. I played with his hair on the back of his hair. I pulled out of the kiss and I kissed his neck and bit his ear. Then I remembered the one thing that gets him turned on. I bit his bottom lip. I felt his friend and I got off of him.
The whole room had their mouths open.
"Holy sh**, I see why you have to guys falling for ya." Randy said.
"Dang girl you might have to go give him a quickie to get that one down." Nikki said pointing at Jay's friend. He blush.
"Nichole! Your so nasty!" Bri said.
"Nasty Nikki." I said and she laughed.
We heard a knock on the door and Dustin went to go get it.
He came back with Pizza.
"Pizzas here!" He said and everyone went into the kitchen.
Me and Jay sat with each other and let everyone go each first.
"I think Nikki was right, I might need a quickie." Jay said.
"Later." I said and I got up to eat.
"Ready to go to my house?" Jay asked.
"Yes." I said.
"Good were not very far from it." He said.
"I need to relax and maybe this will." I said
"It will, we can chill outside all day long. I made it nice out there and this is not Canada its not going to be cold. We can swim in my pool to." Jay said.
"Sounds great." I said smiling.
"We can do I little more than swimming to I have fences." He said.
"That sounds wonderful." I said.
"We're here." He said pulling up to a white house with a palm tree I the front.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionYou should love one man and one man only, but what happens when she loves more than one? What happens when she falls for two? Will she lose her balance or will one of them pick her up?