Chapter 18: No Matter What

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I woke up and got into the shower. I decided to go down to the cafeteria in the hotel. I got some yogurt and some water.
"Hey Miranda." Phil aka cm punk said.
"Hey Phil." I said.
"Mind if I sit down" Phil asked.
"No at all." I said
"So how's been life treating ya?" He asked.
"Horrible, love triangle." I said.
"Let me guess Jonathan Good and Jay Reso." He said.
"Yep, how did you know?" I asked.
"They both talk about you a lot." He said.
"Oh." I said.
"So what's a matter right now?" he asked.
"They're being turds. Jon thinks Jay is just my rebound and Jay is just being stubborn." I said.
"Oh that sucks." He said.
"Yeah it does. It hurts. Bad." I said.
"I know the feeling." He said.
"I have to go, see you around Punk." I said.
"Okay bye Miranda." Phil said.

I walk up to the my hotel and Jon and Jay were standing at my door.
"What you want?" I asked.
"We all need to talk." Jon said.
"We already did." I said.
"We still have more to talk about Miranda." Jay said.
"Come in then." I said.
"Okay." They both said.
"Want do we still need to talk about?" I asked.
"Were we stand." Jon said.
"I can tell you where we stand..... In a puddle of heartbreak." I said.
"It doesn't have to be that way." Jon said.
"YES IT DOES!" I yelled. "That's love for ya!"
"Miranda don't think that." Jay said.
"Why not Jay? That's what I got from love. Nothing more. Jon and you have shown me nothing but heartbreak." I said.
"We use to be happy Miranda." Jon said.
"Not really Jon. We were never happy. We would always fight because you would always flirt with other girls." I said and Jon looked down at the floor.
"I thought we were happy. I've been living a da** lie. I thought that you loved what we had." He said with a tear running down his cheek.
"I was but we weren't always happy." I said. The next thing I knew I was wrapped into a kiss. I didn't know who it was but it felt right. I kissed back. They kissed slowly and softly never wanting to let go, I pulled back and saw Jay. I looked over to Jon who look hurt and he was crying.
"I always mess up everything. This is why my mother didn't want me. I mess up everything and I'm so stupid. I was so happy. We were going to be happy, I wanted to make you happy that's all. But that kissed you just shared with him. Did we ever have that when we kissed?" He asked.
"Yes we did." I said.

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