I woke up and got into the shower. I decided to go down to the cafeteria in the hotel. I got some yogurt and some water.
"Hey Miranda." Phil aka cm punk said.
"Hey Phil." I said.
"Mind if I sit down" Phil asked.
"No at all." I said
"So how's been life treating ya?" He asked.
"Horrible, love triangle." I said.
"Let me guess Jonathan Good and Jay Reso." He said.
"Yep, how did you know?" I asked.
"They both talk about you a lot." He said.
"Oh." I said.
"So what's a matter right now?" he asked.
"They're being turds. Jon thinks Jay is just my rebound and Jay is just being stubborn." I said.
"Oh that sucks." He said.
"Yeah it does. It hurts. Bad." I said.
"I know the feeling." He said.
"I have to go, see you around Punk." I said.
"Okay bye Miranda." Phil said.
I walk up to the my hotel and Jon and Jay were standing at my door.
"What you want?" I asked.
"We all need to talk." Jon said.
"We already did." I said.
"We still have more to talk about Miranda." Jay said.
"Come in then." I said.
"Okay." They both said.
"Want do we still need to talk about?" I asked.
"Were we stand." Jon said.
"I can tell you where we stand..... In a puddle of heartbreak." I said.
"It doesn't have to be that way." Jon said.
"YES IT DOES!" I yelled. "That's love for ya!"
"Miranda don't think that." Jay said.
"Why not Jay? That's what I got from love. Nothing more. Jon and you have shown me nothing but heartbreak." I said.
"We use to be happy Miranda." Jon said.
"Not really Jon. We were never happy. We would always fight because you would always flirt with other girls." I said and Jon looked down at the floor.
"I thought we were happy. I've been living a da** lie. I thought that you loved what we had." He said with a tear running down his cheek.
"I was but we weren't always happy." I said. The next thing I knew I was wrapped into a kiss. I didn't know who it was but it felt right. I kissed back. They kissed slowly and softly never wanting to let go, I pulled back and saw Jay. I looked over to Jon who look hurt and he was crying.
"I always mess up everything. This is why my mother didn't want me. I mess up everything and I'm so stupid. I was so happy. We were going to be happy, I wanted to make you happy that's all. But that kissed you just shared with him. Did we ever have that when we kissed?" He asked.
"Yes we did." I said.

Torn Between Two
FanficYou should love one man and one man only, but what happens when she loves more than one? What happens when she falls for two? Will she lose her balance or will one of them pick her up?