I heard the door open and close, and I prayed to god it was Jay not Jon. I sat on the bed not wanting to get up because I was to scared to check.
"Miranda?" I heard Jay's voice said from the kitchen. I smiled and got off the bed and I headed into the kitchen.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey. I missed you, I hate going places without you." He said going over to me and placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"I missed you to. Did you have a nice workout?" I asked.
"Yep. Have to look hot for the lady." He said and I giggled.
"I would go with you but I go with Brie and Nikki, I guess I could start going with you or I could go twice a day." I said.
"No need, besides I probably drop weights of you were there because girl you fine!" Jay said in a girly voice.
"Jay oh my god your so stupid." I said laughing.
"Me stupid, how dare you." He said playfully covering his heart and acting hurt.
"Yes." I said.
"I'm going to have to get you for that." He said coming close to me. I ran into the living room and he came running after me so I went into the bedroom and closed the door.
"Open up Miranda!" Jay said giggling.
"No your going to get me." I said.
"No I won't." He said trying to open the door.
"Okay but you have to say.... Ummm.... You have the best girlfriend in the world and she could so beat you at wrestling." I said.
"Mirannnnda!" Jay groaned.
"Do it if you want in here." I said smiling.
"I have the best girlfriend in the world and she could do beat me at wrestling." He said.
"Okay you can come in now." I said opening the door and running past him. I ran into the kitchen hide behind the counter.
"Miranda where are you at?!" Jay said.
He came by the counter and I jumped out.
"Fu**!" Jay said, scared as all get out.
"You scared the sh** out of me." Jay said.
"That was the point." I said walking over to him and kissing his cheek.
"You could have killed me." He said hugging me.
"Are you dead?" I asked.
"Your fine." I said.
"Your so mean."
"I know but I'm cute so that's okay."
"Your more than cute sweet thing your beautiful, sexy, hot." Jay said kissing me.
"Your the best Jay." I said.
"Thanks. Baby your my angel, my star, my everything." He said.
"Because when the sun shine we shine together." I said.
"Told ya I would be here forever, told you I would always be your friend, took a note now I'm going to stick it out to the end." He said.
"Let make Umbrella by Rihanna our song." He said.
"Let's." I said.
"We should play some music." He said.
"Okay." I said pulling out my iHome and putting my iPod on it. I put Pandora on and Run this Town came on by Jay-Z.
"Feeling gangster are we?" Jay asked laughing.
"Yes." I said laughing.
"Come here." Jay said and I ran over to him and he picked me up.
"Is it raining outside?" He asked.
"Yes why?" I asked.
"Because, get a jacket on we are going somewhere." He said.
"Okay." I said.
"Hold on let me get something first." He said heading into the kitchen. I went to go get my jacket out of the bedroom. I came back out and Jay had a picnic basket.
"Let's go." He said grabbing my hand.
"Jay where are we going." I asked as we walked out to the car in the rain.
"It's a surprise." Jay said getting in the car and putting the basket in the back.
"Okay." I said smiling.
Jay started driving and he turned on the radio. We pulled up to a park and he got out of the car.
"Jay what are you doing?" I asked.
"Just get out." He said smiling. I got out of the car and he was a couple feet away from the car.
"Come here beautiful." Jay said and I walked over to him.
"Stay here." Jay said as he ran over to the car and turned up the radio, Come On Get Higher was on. He walked back over to me.
"I love you." He said before cupping my face and kissing me. It was perfect he pulled me closer to him and I smiled into the kiss.
"I love you to." I said laughing.
"I gave you what every girl wants a kiss in the rain." He said.
"But I'm going to give you something nobody has gave their girlfriend." He said.
"Oh and yeah what is that." I said.
"A dance in the rain." He said.
The radio turned on Amazed.
He pulled me close to him and we danced, half way through the song he got back away
"Jay what are you doing?" I asked confused. He got on one knee. I covered my mouth as he brought out a ring.
" I love you to pieces. I want you to be mine forever. I knew ever since you walk through the wrestling school doors I knew I had to have you. You are the woman that I love more than life itself. I can't imagine me without you, I couldn't breath without you and your ways. I may be the most perfect man but will you do me the pleasure and Miranda Rae Garrett will you marry me?" Jay asked as the water dropped off his face onto his coat.
"Yes. Yes. Yes!" I said as he slid the ring on my finger. he picked me up and kissed me as he spun me around. He pulled for the kiss smiling.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you to, and I'll love you forever." I said.
"Come with me." He said as he ran and grabbed the picnic basket. He grabbed my hand and took me into a covered area. He sat the basket on the ground. He sat I blanket down and we sat down. He pulled out apple juice and I smiled because he remembered I didn't drink. He pulled out pizza and I smiled. He poured some apple juice into a two wine glasses and handed me one.
"To the future Mrs.Reso." He said holding up his glass before drinking it.
"Your so amazing." I said.
"Not as amazing as you. I wouldn't of went through all of this for just anybody. I love you and I can't wait for us to get married. You make me feel complete, like no else can." He said before kissing my cheek.
"I can't wait to be Mrs.Reso. I love you and I couldn't imagine not being right where I am right now." I said smiling.
We finished our pizza then we headed back to the hotel. My mind felled with thoughts about my future with Jay. He made me so happy and I couldn't believe I was going to marry him. I didn't even care about Jon at this moment nothing was going to get in the way of me and Jay.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionYou should love one man and one man only, but what happens when she loves more than one? What happens when she falls for two? Will she lose her balance or will one of them pick her up?