First off, I want to give you all 1 million apologies. I truly hate authors notes, and wish that there was another way to get this information out, but trust me when I say that if there was another way, I would be using it. Second, I want to give a HUGE shout out to these people for supporting my various works.
KitKatChibi697 - You introduced me to fan fiction and anime in general. Without you, I wouldn't even be here. Enough said.
HarryPotter049071 - You always supported me, even whenever you weren't a large fan of anime. I know that we have a future full of nosebleeds, long girly-talks, and tear-soaked tissues ahead of us!
Nelli2318b - You are the first person who has ever commented on my stories (besides people I actually know) You caused me so much joy, and inspired me to keep writing, because someone out there actually liked my writing. Reading your comment was one of the best moments of my life.
dragon1088, crystal_the_pixie, 666burningpheonix666, and Everyone else who reads my work! - You're all amazing, and I can't thank you enough for reading this story! I don't have much people who read my work, but even if I did, I would still love each and everyone of you as much as I do.
Now that that's done. For the important information:
1. Now that school has started back up again, my writing life will be a lot more cramped and shoved aside. I will try to write and update my two books as much as possible, but January is very busy for me, so it will be difficult. I wish I could provide you with a schedule, but sadly that is not possible, because I would not be able to follow it. For now, just know that Meliodas x Reader will be updated only on the weekends, because that's when I have the most time to go through the EXTREMELY long process of typing and watching the episodes at the same time. My one-shot book (The Many Ways to Show Love) will be updated on any day of the week, whenever I have enough time to write.
2. Do not expect any updates this week or the next, because I will be spending time working on my student responsibilities. I will also be spending this time editing my many works. (Of which I only actually completed one, due to various reasons) The reason I will be doing this is because I care deeply about my writing to have proper grammar, and it REALLY annoys me when the grammar or spelling is incorrect. Thanks for understanding!
3. This book (The Eighth Sin), is my largest project at the moment, so rest assured that I am doing everything I can to get as many updates in as possible.
(By the way, even though I posted the same information for both of my stories, the one-shot book has slightly different information, so if you read BOTH of them, please read both author's notes)
The Eighth Sin
Fanfiction(Meliodas x Reader) The Seven Deadly Sins. They're betrayers of the realm, guilty of crimes, murdering the Holy Knight Grandmaster, and attempting to overthrow the kingdom. Right? Y/N, the forgotten Eighth Sin, knows the truth, and she'll stick by...