Episode 21 - The Looming Threat

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~Meliodas' Perspective~

"Vivian." Merlin began, holding her former apprentice in place. "Tell me where Princess Elizabeth is."

"She's... in the King's room." Vivian struggles to explain. 

Merlin turns to us. "There you go." She drops Vivian from the air. 

After she tumbles down and grunts, she runs off somewhere. Arthur tries to get us to follow her but I say, "Forget her. Right now, we need to focus on rescuing Elizabeth." 

"Don't bother looking in the King's room, then." Y/N speaks up from deep in my conscience. "I took her place and sent her to a dungeon deep in the castle with Hawk."

I grit my teeth and angrily think back, 'Even more reason to go.'

Meanwhile, Merlin says, "Then it's time to get a move on." She snaps her fingers and we're teleported in front of the room. "I tried teleporting us inside but got deflected. The handiwork of my disgraceful disciple."

I'm about to blow open the door when it's swung open from a force inside. A fuming Y/N stands in the doorway. "I can't believe that you dragged everyone here. If you had waited a couple more seconds, then I could of told you where Elizabeth really is." She starts to wave her hands around in exasperation. "She should be your top priority!" 

I shake my head and step closer. "It's so much more efficient to just pick you up first." I hold out my arms, inviting her into a hug.

Y/N groans, but begrudgingly steps into my arms. I squeeze her tight, and surprisingly, she squeezes back. I don't even feel bad when I let my hand trail down to her thighs, wanting to lift her. 

Unfortunately, both Y/N and the King thought I had other plans. Y/N springs back with a furious blush coating her cheeks and an accusing stare. The King shouts, "HEY!" 

"You sure got old, Bartra!" I say, walking over to my old friend.

"And you haven't changed a single bit, have you?" He replies. 

"I guess not." I confirm, laughing a bit. 

Suddenly, loud clanking sounds from behind us. We spin around to see Draifus. Gilthunder places his arms around Margaret to protect her. "Hey, what's up?" I ask. "It's been a while since I've seen you, too, Draifus."

"What the heck is going on here?" Draifus asks, ignoring me completely. 

"Hendrickson's been killed in battle." Gilthunder says. Draifus looks shocked. "He died without ever repenting for the crime he committed." 

"His crime?" Draifus questions. 

"I saw it happen." Margaret says. "The dawn of the anniversary festival ten years ago. You and Hendrickson conspired together. And murdered Zaratras. Such an unspeakable sight." 

Y/N clicks her tongue sadly. I glance at her to see her eyes filled with regret, probably that Margaret had to see something so horrendous. 

"And then, consumed with overwhelming fear, I told Gil about it. Little did I know, Vivian was eavesdropping the whole time. She placed each of us under guard and we were forced to do her bidding." Margaret finishes her tale. 

"Is that so?" Merlin asks. "Though seeing as Vivian's head over heels for Gilthunder, I suppose it adds up." 

Y/N scoffs, and says, "I find it a tad disturbing that she's so infatuated with someone so much younger than her."

"Though thanks to Meliodas, that curse has finally been lifted." Gilthunder adds, clearing up any confusion that might've remained. 

I smile at them, happy to have helped. Draifus, however looks distressed. He falls to the floor and says, "I've lost everything. Just as they told you, I conspired with Hendrickson and murdered Grand Master Zaratras." He said Hendrickson's name as if it was a curse. "At first I only envied my brother, but somewhere along the way, it turned into hatred. I'm so sorry." 

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