Episode 2.5 - Y/N and Meliodas: A Chance Meeting

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It was a accident, really. Them meeting, and then falling in love. So many things in their relationship was made of such odd encounters. But the fact that they even met each other... Well, that was nearly a miracle.

It was her sister. Everything led back to her beloved, dead, sister. Today had been her funeral. Normally, Y/N would've been strong, a perfect example for a strong independent woman dealing with a loss. But today had been too much for the H/C haired girl. Today had been her sister's funeral... And no one, not even her parents, had came. Y/N smiled bitterly through tears, remembering how her sister always told her that if she died, that Y/N should find someone to love. Y/N had always written it off at the time, after all, she had thought that she herself would've been the one to die first. But now that her sister was really dead, Y/N saw this odd tidbit of advice as a nuisance. She didn't want to find love if her sister wouldn't be able to see it. Her wonderful younger sister, who was always so much more cheerful, so much more loving.

 Y/N laughed randomly, convulsing at the memories of how many time her sister had tried to cheer her up dressing up in ridiculous outfits, pretending to be a wizard. Soon the laughter turned to sobs as Y/N sat down on the side of the path, wishing to be devoured by trees.

And that was when the first miracle happened.

Y/N screamed as she saw the cart fly towards her, closing her eyes and lifting up her arms protect her from the impact, although she knew it wouldn't help. Then, by mere chance, she opened her eyes a bit to see the cart fly by a few centimeters from her  face, terrifying her but not leaving a scratch on her body. Y/N was destined to live another day, while her sister was condemned to never being able to see the sky again. She would've laughed at the irony, except she was frozen in place, replaying her near-death experience again and again, as if it was a scene that someone was constantly watching. She felt the tears welling up in her already wet eyes as she hung her head, breathing hard and placing her hand over her chest in a weak attempt to calm her pounding heart.

"Wow, that was a close one! Are you okay Miss?" She heard what she assumed to be a young mans voice exclaim and the sound of feet hitting the soft floor. She looked up as she heard him take a few steps towards her. "Miss?"

And so she was graced with the second miracle.

It was his eyes. His eyes were the shade of a emerald, the same gem that her sister had adored through out her short life. This alone was enough to push Y/N over the edge of sanity. She burst out laughing, falling backwards and curling up into a ball. She was sure that the short man must think she's insane, laughing after such a near-death. Y/N expected him to walk away, shaking his head, and then forget about her, like everyone else did. Instead he started laughing as well. "Why... Why are you laughing?" He asked her between laughter. "I... I could ask you the same thing." Y/N replied, her own bout of laughter coming to a stop. "Well, yeah, but I asked you first." The man said, straitening his body and adopting a more serious tone. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Fine. I just thought it was hilarious that on the day of my sister's funeral I had a near-death experience, and the man who is worried about me, his eyes are the same color as my sister's favorite gem." The man looked at her blankly. "I'm sorry, that wasn't worth laughing about, was it?" She asked sheepishly. "You're hysterical." The man stated. Y/N nodded. "Yes," She agreed. "I am, but at least I'm not delusional." The male cocked his head. "Are you drunk?" Y/N started laughing again, tears staining her cheeks. "What kind of person would I be if I drank alcohol right after my sister's funeral?" She asked, clutching her stomach in an attempt to soothe the growing pain in her sides. "A normal one..." The man mumbled, scooping her up bridal style. Y/N stiffened. "Uh, w-what are you doing?" She asked, looking up and resisting the urge to squirm in his grasp, knowing that it wouldn't help. "Well, what kind of Holy Knight would  be if I didn't make sure the young lady I almost killed wasn't safe?" Y/N rolled her eyes. "I appreciate your concern, Mr. Holy Knight, but I don't even know your name." The man laughed. "That's easy enough. My name is Meliodas. What's yours?" Y/N hesitated before answering the blonde. "Y/N..."

Meliodas smiled before setting her down. "I hate to say this, but I'm afraid I won't be much of a help. That is, unless you can ride a horse..." He trailed off, looking down at the short H/C haired female in front of him. She scoffed. "Oh please. What kind of a Holy Knight would I be if I couldn't ride a horse?" Y/N mocked, swinging her small body onto the horse. Meliodas stared at her in shock. "Y-you're a Holy Knight?" He asked before following Y/N onto the horse. The girl nodded. "Yes. My sister and I were known to be the defenders of this village. But now that she's dead, everyone's started to ignore me again... I think I'm going to need to find a new job." Meliodas seemed to ponder this for a moment. "This might be a bit sudden... But would you like to come with me? I'm heading back to the capitol to assemble a group of the most powerful people in all of Liones." Y/N froze. "But how do... How do you know that I am powerful? I could be a weakling." Meliodas laughed. "Well, the truth is, I don't. But what I do know is that you need work. So what do ya say? Join me?" He jumped off the horse and held out his hand, still smiling.

This was the last miracle of the day...       

She accepted, of course. Smiling back at him, and reaching out to grab his outstretched hand. "As long as I get to cook." Meliodas laughed again, a laugh that Y/N would learn to love dearly. "I can't cook for the life of me, so I suppose I'll have to accept. Come on. Do you need anything from your house?" Y/N shook her head. "No. Everything I need is right here."

...But the beginning of a great friendship

Neither of them would ever admit that they fell in love with each other the day that they had met. In fact, neither of them had even realized that they were in love at the time. But there was no denying it. There still is  no denying it. The Captain of the Eight Deadly Sins, Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath, is in love with his right-hand woman, Y/N the Polar Bear Sin of Forgetting, and she in turn with him.

Their relationship is built of miracles  

Hello readers! I would have had this out sooner, but because of a bunch of reasons that I won't talk about, I wasn't able to. Anyway, the real reason why I added this footnote is because you might've noticed that my previous chapter (Episode 2 - The Sword of a Holy Knight) is really, really long. I was wondering if you guys like the chapters to be that long, because from here they'll most likely just get longer and longer due to the increase of action in the episodes, or if I should shorten the length of them. I would also really appreciate it if you took a look at my other book, which is a all anime/FNaF one shot book, and requested for me to write something! I'm always willing to make someone happy. Have a great day, and I hope you've been having a great day before you read this!



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