Tag - 1

7K 103 59

Hello! I have been tagged by Winter_and_Autumn. So, I decided that along with the tag I would mention a few things. 

#1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! This book recently reached ten thousand reads, and I'm so very grateful every single one of my readers. You're all great!

#2. I am thinking about opening a second account so that I can post my schedule and other things on that profile, but mainly it would be to write books that are not related to anime. (Don't fret, this would still be main account and the most often updated)

Anyway. On to the tag:

Question #1: Wattpad Crush?

I have no Wattpad crush. 

Question #2: Relationship Status?

In love with a fictional character.

Question #3: Girl BFFs?

KitKatChibi697 (Kitty!) HeroicPanda455 (Panda!) My third best friend doesn't have a wattpad account, and she wishes to remain unknown. <3

Question #4: Guy BFFs? 

No one. 

Question #5: Last song you listened to? 

Training Wheels by Melanie Martiniz

Question #6: Favorite video games?

Mystic Messenger and Minecraft, but I'll pretty much play anything.

Question #7: Favorite animal?


Question #8: A pic of an attractive person?

Question #8: A pic of an attractive person?

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Question #9: Favorite pun?

Any pun.

Question #10: Tag ten people and tell them to do the same?


1. KitKatChibi697 for being an awesome best friend
2. HeroicPanda455 for being the best sister ever
3. GhostwriterArt for being the last person to follow me
4. XiomaraMerced for being the last person to vote on this story
5. raderc for being the last person to comment
6. Frisk1617 for being the lat person to add this story to their reading list
7. Otter_and_Duck for writing my request
8. Alyannsgamer10 for being the last person to request something
9. catmaster987 for sharing her outfit with me
10. lovmelyssa for making me laugh



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