Episode 14 - A Reader of Books

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~Y/N's Perspective~

"Hey Captain, is around here okay?" Diane asks Meliodas, who's standing next to me on Hawk's mom. We've been scouting for a new location for the tavern, because even though we're on a search for our remaining comrades we still need money. The last three Sins have done a particularly good job of hiding themselves. 

 "Yeah, it's a little far from town, but we oughta be alright if we do some promoting." Meliodas replies. 

"Thanks for scouting this out, Diane. "Why don't you get some sleep until the tavern opens? You deserve some rest!" I say cheerfully. Diane nods and lays down next to the tavern. Meliodas and I head back inside to get all the preparation done.  

"Alright everyone, why don't we get ready to open up? Us guys will handle the food stocks." Meliodas says, assigning roles to us all.

"What do you mean 'Us guys?'" King asks. "Shouldn't Y/N and Ban take care of it? Should you even go into the kitchen?" 

Meliodas laughs before saying, "Of course they'll take care of the cooking, but we'll take care of the hunting. Now Elizabeth, I want you to go down to the village and spread the word. And can you also buy some herbs while you're out there?" Elizabeth agrees happily. Meliodas turns to Hawk and says, "You should go with her for support."

"That's fine by me, but do you really think she'll be okay?" Hawk inquires lazily.

"Uh, I'm perfectly capable of going shopping!" Elizabeth protests.

"I know, but the Holy Knights are still after you, aren't they? I mean, wouldn't it be better if you just stayed here?" Hawks says.

"Staying here will just get her down." Meliodas says. "Besides, Y/N will come with you so she'll be fine."

Hawk stares at Meliodas incredulously. "Yeah, okay."

"Hey, just because I don't use my powers doesn't mean I don't any. I can defend Elizabeth just as well as any other Sin!" I say, stepping closer to Elizabeth. 

"But we did agree that using your powers drains you, so you shouldn't unless it's absolutely necessary." Meliodas points out thoughtfully. 

"Normally I would agree with you, but don't you think that the safety of the future queen is important enough for me to tamper with some memories. Besides, I could argue that now it is absolutely necessary for me to use my powers whenever I can to help out." I say, raising my voice. 

Meliodas sighs. "Okay, fine, you're right. But-" I cut him off with a glare. He throws his hands up in mock surrender. " I was just going to say that maybe Elizabeth should wear a disguise." I nod and Elizabeth runs upstairs to put on a shawl. As we watch her, Meliodas leans over to me and whispers, "For the record I still think that you shouldn't drain yourself too much."

"We're not arguing about this right now." I hiss back. 

"Ha! You two sound like a married couple in front of your children!" Ban teases.

"What?" We ask him at the same time, whirring around to face him.

-Time Skip-

"Alright, we're leaving now!" Elizabeth says, waving goodbye. 

"Okay, be careful!" Meliodas calls out, waving in return. 

Elizabeth, Hawk and I make it to the village with no incidents and start putting up posters. For the most part it's silent, but Elizabeth asks Hawk a few questions every now and again. 

"I'm curious. Has Sir Meliodas ever carried a real weapon?" Elizabeth asks.

"Beats me." Hawk replies. "I've never seen him with one. What about you, Y/N?"

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