Episode 6 - The Poem of Beginnings

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"We can't them kill each other, but if I get any closer, I'll get killed!" - Y/N, last episode

~Y/N's Perspective~

As Diane and Meliodas continue to battle each other, Hawk, Elizabeth, and I ponder what is going on. "Each one of them seems to think that the other is a Holy Knight!" Hawk squeals in terror as we watch the scene unravel before us. Elizabeth tilts her head up to get a closer look at the scene, whispering, "It can't be."

" Both of you have to stop it!" She yells at the two fighters, as if her shouts will help some how. "Now that's enough!


'What's that ringing noise? ' I think to myself as I spin around in a feeble attempt to locate the source of the mysterious sound. Suddenly, I hear the loud thumps and crashes come to a complete stop and turn to see that Meliodas and Diane have stopped fighting, and are looking at their surroundings in confusion. "What are you guys doing here?" Diane asks us.

"We should be asking you that!" Hawk shouts at the giant, but Diane ignores the pig and instead faces Meliodas while saying, "Captain? You're here? Where's the Holy Knight?" Meliodas looks around, realizing that the Holy Knight he had been battling disapeared as well.

The child shepherd runs out of Elizabeth's arms to Diane, exclaiming, "Poor big lady! Are you alright?" Diane leans down, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She assures him of her well-being before asking, "Are you okay, you're still here." The boy nods his head, his staff bobbing slightly forward, causing the bell hanging there to ring quietly. My eyes widen as I watch both Diane's and Meliodas' eyes dull and they seem to lose their ability to see us. I lean over to Hawk, "It's that kid! The bell on his staff is enchanting the captain and Diane." I hiss as Elizabeth pulls him out of harms way. The small starts running, but I step in his path.

"Where do you think you're going, kid?" I ask harshly, blocking off his stuttering. I quickly grab his staff and don't wait to see what happens next. I turn around and run. I'm don't have much physical strength, and unless it's to heal someone (For reasons I've never been able to explain, healing doesn't drain me as much. I think it's because healing others is a natural thing, one that doesn't harm anyone, besides myself, and the universe can't punish me for harm that I cause myself.) or read some memories, (which I hate doing because memories are supposed to be private.) I don't use my powers much, since it's too draining. However, due to my severe disadvantages during a battle, I have  learned to how to run as if the very soil beneath my feet and air behind my back is my enemy. Now, it is time to utilize that skill. 

I sprint through the forest, my fingers tightly gripping the staff as I leap over fallen trees and large stones. The shouts of my comrades fade out before they reach me, creating a void where the only sounds are muffled words, the bell's constant ringing, twigs snapping, and pebbles shifting beneath my feet. I can't stop until I figure out how to break the enchantment on my comrades, and since I've been using a lot of energy healing deadly wounds lately, I'm a bit low on disposable energy that I could use to look into the memories tied into the staff. (Although healing doesn't drain me, one doesn't quite recover from multiple stabs quickly, so even if my body is in prime condition, my magical energy isn't.) Now that I'm rethinking this plan, I've realized that I probably should of thought it out before acting, but on the other hand I couldn't just stand by and let him take control of my friends. So, instead of thinking, I acted on my impulses. As I glance at the staff in my hands, I mumble to myself, "You're starting to act more and more like the captain, Y/N. Don't you dare  become like that perverted bafoon." I sigh, not noticing that I had slowed down in my wonderings until I come to a complete stop.

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