Episode 10.5 - A Premonition

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Y/N stepped out of the cart slowly, warily examining her surroundings. Ellie and Emer had decided to on with a vacation, and since Y/N had to call for back up from the rest of the Holy Knights anyway, she decided to join them. Emer had booked their vacation, so neither Ellie or Y/N knew what they should be expecting.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Ellie said under her breath, twirling around. Emer had taken them to tiny, yet well-kept village. It was surrounded by rolling hills and in the center there was a large lake. The grass was vibrant in color, and the water was so clear that you could see the bottom without straining. The village itself was made of finely polished stone and wood. The paths were made of glazed over pebbles, giving the paths a smooth look despite it being made of millions small pebbles. Overall, the village reminded Y/N of a classic fairytale look. It was warm and welcoming on the outside, but there was something cold and forlorn about the perfection of everything. Y/N hadn't quite trusted Emer ever since she realized that his touch burned, but it wasn't just her mistrust that was making her cautious.

"Y/N, don't you think it's spectacular?" Ellie's voice broke through Y/N's silent pondering.

"Yeah... Absolutely exquisite..." Y/N replied with a questioning look on her face. Could her sister not feel the uneasy aura floating around this seemingly flawless village? She shook off her confusion, turning back to face Emer and Ellie. "Anyway, I'll let you two do whatever you were planning on doing."

"What are you going to do?" Ellie questioned, putting down her bags next to her.

Y/N forced a smile onto her face as she said, "Oh, I'm just going to explore the town. Don't worry about me! I'll make it to the house you guys rented. Have fun!" With those words, Y/N walked off into the village to do some... reconnaissance.

Conversation #1:

"Excuse me sir, what is the name of this village? Sir? Sir!? Well, lesson learned, don't ask the inhabitants about the village..."

Conversation #2:

"Excuse me ma'am, how long have you lived here?"

"Oh, I've lived here for my entire life! Don't you think the village is beautiful?"

"Yes, it is! Do you know who's in charge of the landscaping?"

"I have no idea, it's looked like this ever since I first came here! It's absolutely perfect, though."

"Ma'am, you just contradicted yourself."

"I did? What did I say?

"You told me earlier that you've lived here your entire life, but just now you said you came here?"

"I did... What? No, that can't be right... I- I'm sorry I have to leave now. Goodbye. I hope you enjoy all of the fantastic attractions our wonderful village has to offer!"

-After Multiple Such Conversations-

Y/N groaned in defeat. "All I learned is that everyone in this village knows nothing about the village they live in. And that they praise it as much as a doting grandmother praises her grandchildren." She said to herself. Y/N looked at the lake, which was so frustratingly pretty. "There's definitely something wrong with this village," She said to the lake, pulling her fingers through the shockingly cold water. "I just haven't figured it out yet."  

(A/N: I apologise for the late update. My life is extremely hectic at the moment... I hope you enjoy!)

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