Episode 17.5 - The First Celebration (Part 2)

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Uel led Y/N back into the hotel through a back door. "Mantha's notebook will be in her office, er, room." Seeing Y/N's confusion at this correction, he nervously clarified. "It's actually her bedroom, but she never uses it as one. Too busy working. My parents used to get onto her about it, so she made me stop referring to it as her office. I guess the coverup stuck with me even when I'm strangers."

Y/N looked at him skeptically, but nodded. This wasn't a serious enough case to warrant suspicion of everyone around her. She was doing it more in the hopes that she'd be able to tire herself into falling asleep for at least a few minutes. Plus, it'd been a while since she'd done any sort of real case. 

Either way, once they reached the room and Uel handed her the notebook, she didn't waste her time by actually reading it. She just read the books memories and then put it down, sighing. "There's nothing in it that's useful."

"Really?" Uel asked. "You didn't even open it."

"Lets just say I have some abilities." Y/N said, waving her hands to ward of the question. "The important thing is that we find whoever is so jealous at a wedding. It could lead to some really big problems." 

"Could?" Uel asked. 

"Yeah, I don't know whether the person has enough willpower to do something crazy. It's usually better to assume that they do." Y/N said. "Anymore leads you can think of?"

"Nothing specfic, but I bet baker's wife would know something. She's the biggest gossip around, besides her husband." Uel said. 

"Why don't we ask the baker then?" Y/N asked, leaving the room. 

Uel walked quickly to catch up to her, panting a bit. "The baker always goes to bed at exactly 8:09 every night and doesn't wake up until the next morning. We wouldn't get anything out of him at this time." 

"Oh," Y/N said. "That's rather inconvenient." 

"Yeah." Uel agreed. "It is." 

"Well, we'll just have to settle for second best then." Y/N said. "Take me to the baker's wife."

They walked at a slow pace, as Uel seemed incapable of maintaining a quick stride. Luckily, the town was small and they got to the bakery rather quickly despite this setback. Y/N walked in to the still lit bakery and saw the baker's wife sitting behind the counter with a cheesy romance novel. The woman looked up and smiled, tucking the book into her apron. 

"Hiya, what can I get you two?" She asked, rather loudly. She then noticed Uel. "Hey, shouldn't you be at your sister's wedding, Uel? You know this is a special occasion, right?"

"Yes, Mrs. Turnyk." He said, blushing. "But my guest wanted to ask you some questions." He gestured towards Y/N. 

Mrs. Turnyk turned to the girl. "Oh, I see." She winked. "Came for a little alone time?"

"Oh, no ma'am. It's nothing like that." Y/N said calmly. "I just wanted to ask if you know anything about anyone who would be madly jealous of the bride or groom, and I heard that you were the best source for these kinds of matters." 

Mrs. Turnyk laughed out loud. "You came to me instead of my husband?" She asked. "Oh, he'll love that!" She then leaned towards Y/N in a secretive manner and whispered, "Alright, I'll tell you, woman to woman."

Y/N nodded, wondering what exactly she meant by that. 

"I happen to know that there is one person in this town who was in fact, betrothed to the groom before he broke off the arrangement a few months before he began to date Mantha." Mrs. Turynk said. "Everyone knew that it was arranged by their old fashioned grandparents, but some rumors say that she really loved him nontheless." 

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