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Before Meeting Elizabeth

~Y/N's Perspective~

I sigh as I roll up on my elbows, watching Meliodas flip onto his feet. "You know, I'd assume that it would be more windy up here, since we're up so high." I say, rolling on to my back again. "Nah. I don't think the altitude is high enough." He replies, stretching his back. I stare up at him incredulously as he grabs my hand and pulls me to his height. (I'm very short, even shorter than King) "For a perverted idiot, you say some pretty smart stuff occasionally Captain." I say, laughing and walking into the tavern and looking at the Wanted board again. I shake my head, sighing. "They still haven't remembered about the eighth deadly sin, huh, Y/N?" Meliodas walks up behind me. I nod, leaning against him and looking up. "Look at it this way. You must be doing your job, since you're the sin  of FORGETING." I smile, stepping out of his arms and spinning around. "Thanks Captain!" I say, running into up to my room. As I close my door, I try to tame my pounding heart. 'Bad Y/N. You can't think of the Captain that way. Diane's your best friend and you can't betray her like that.' I hear a knock and open my door to see Hawk (is it spelled Hak or Hawk?" I don't know) "Meliodas wants you to get dressed in to your tavern uniform!" I cock my head. "But, I'm already wearing the tavern uniform." I say, gesturing down to my clothes, which pretty much matched Meliodas', except more feminine. (imagine whatever womanly-ish variation of Meliodas' clothes) "Well, then I guess you should go downstairs and see what he wants." Hawk says, with a troubled look on his face. "Okay." I reply, walking down the stairs.

~Meliodas' Perspective~

As I watch Y/N walk down the stairs, I lean across the counter, sliding her a drink. She frowns at me, picking it up. "What is it Captain?" I sigh. "How many times have I told you? Call me Meliodas!" I say, perking up again, as Hawk's mom slows to a stop. She rolls her eyes. "Nope. You're my captain, so I'm going to call you Captain." I want to bang my head against a wall. All I've ever wanted is for Y/N to call me by my name, but she blatantly refuses. 'Okay. Calm down Meliodas. Eventually Y/N will realize your feelings for her and will stop acting so... PERFECT ' I groan inwardly. Every time I try to find a fault with the sin of forgetting (she's also my best friend and love- er, crush) I fail. Even her body is perfect! And I should know, because I spent five days analyzing the faults of the female body! I stop my inner "pep-talk" when I notice she's staring at me. "Er, so are you in your tavern uniform?" I ask, wanting to facepalm. Of course she's wearing her tavern uniform! She never takes it off. She just nods, her H/L H/C hair floating around her face. I resist the urge to brush it out of her face, and instead turn to the numerous bottles of liquor on the wall. "So, who's in charge of cooking today?" I ask, wanting to change the... awkward... subject. She rolls her eyes and smiles at me. "You, of course. Why would I cook on our first day in this town?" I laugh, agreeing. I always cook on our first day because Y/N's cooking is so good it's criminal, and we don't have enough food for everyone in the village to stuff themselves. Plus, Y/N always brings in more customers than I do, so it's better for her to do it on the first day. But only  the first day. Other than that I'm always the server. That's how it works. I smile back at Y/N. "Of course. Well, I guess that I should go get ready, huh" She nods, flashing that beautiful smile of hers.

Hey guys! This is my Meliodas x Reader. I just wanted to tell you that this book will probably not update for a while because I need to work on a bunch of other stuff first.



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