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Monday 12.35

It was time for lunch now which was probably the worst thing ever since i don't like to eat much, every time I eat I end up in the toilet throwing up. Bad i know but it keeps me being skinny and pretty so why not it's a little pain I can handle it I've been in way more pain.
As I walk to my locker I bump in to someone, "I am so sorry I didn't saw you there" I look up and see a girl with long ginger hair. Instead of being the bitch I am I thought why not be nice and make some friends. "It's okey I am Alison by the way"
"Eva" she said with a smile, "please tell me that you are going to lunch because I have no friends and I would like to not sit alone like a fool" Eva said very fast and just looked at me with desperation in her eyes.
"Yeah I am kinda alone to."

And we where now sitting in the cafeteria. "Are you sure you are not going to eat something" Eva asked me, "I am good, really" I said and giggle a little bit. the fact that we just met and she is worrying about me not eating is really nice she remind me a lot of my bestfriend Carrie.
"So why don't you have any friends Eva?" "Well do you see that girl group over there" she said and pointing at a group of girls who looked like total bitches. "Yeah what's up with them" I said and looked back at her. "The girl in the middle is Ingrid and she was my bestfriend for years until I fell in love with her boyfriend" she says and look down in shame.
"Wow, uhm are you and her ex together or what?" I was very surprised when she told me that because she did not look like the girl who would steal your boyfriend. "Yeah it's been almost 2 years now and we are still together" she says and smilie, you can see she is really in love with him because she lighted up as soon as she stared talking about him. "Oh he is here" she says and make eye contact with him, I turn around and see to boys coming to the table me and Eva where at. There was a guy with very thick eyebrows and had brown hair and a beanie on, while the other guy had blond hair and a beanie on.
"Wow Eva you made friends" says the blonde guy and looks at me for a very long time. "I am Isak and that is Jonas Eva's boyfriend" he says and looks at me for a very long time and smiles at me. " I am Alison but call me Ali" I say and look back at Eva who had her boyfriend arm around her now, and the blonde guy sits next to me now. "Hi I am Jonas" he just says and look at Eva again and kisses her on the lips. Which is very awkward I look away and look at Isak who seems to be used by this. "yeah so this is awkward" i say and smiles at al of them, "wait how comes that I never seen you here" Jonas ask me with a very confused face, "well I lived in Oslo when I was kid and then I moved to California, and now I am back here in Norway" they all stare at me like I was stupid "why the actual fuck would leave California for Norway?" "did your parents wanna leave Californian or what?" And that was the question I hoped no one would ask. "my dad wanted to leave Norway and move to cali, but I did not like there so I convinced him to buy me a apartment her in Norway" I answered, I did not want to bring up why did not like California or why I left Norway from the first place.
"Oh cool so you're like half American and half Noewegian?" Isak asked. I was getting very irritated of all these question, but I need to stay calm and not be a total bitch. "Yeah my dad is from America,but I have to my next class start about 5 minutes" I said and start taking my jacket and bag pack. "See you after school Ali" Eva said and I just smiled back.

I was on my to my locker when I saw a group of boys standing in front of my locker, they looked to be older then me, and then one of the boys got my attention it was Chris from my English class, the confident boy who had a smirk on his face 24/7.
I cleared my throat and said "would you please move" I said to the guy who had his back against my locker, And it was not Chris. "And who are you" he said looking at me and all the other boys to. " I don't think I ever seen you here" he says. " well I am new and I am also late to my class so could you please move" I said looking right into his eyes. "What's your name?" He asks me, it's like he Doesn't hear the word "move" and that face he has makes me wanna crush it just like Chris. I look around all the guys and steps to this guy who won't move. Who has way longer hair then the other boys and he has beautiful annoying brown eyes, "listen Rapunzel I do not have time or temper so either you walk the fuck away from my locker or you get roasted and you will cry running for your mommie, you choose" I hear how the boys start to laugh a little bit and I just smile at him it's crazy how close we standing to each other. " I am William by the way and I like you" and with that he just walked away, and so did the other boys.

Yayyy I finally updated I will try to update every single day and I want to write longer chapters hope u all liked it

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