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Friday 19:46

I texted the girls that I would bring Caroline to the part and everyone seemed to be okey with it. Me and Caroline got ready for the party and I didn't feel drinking before, even tho I knew I would meet chris and his girlfriend. I am strong, I am confident, "no one can bring you down, not this time" I said to myself and smile in the mirror. "Care you ready?" I yelled to her. " I am good lets go" I went to the hallway and saw my stepsister looking fire.
"Damn girl" I said to her and smirked. "Well I am doing a social experiment, I am seeing if American boys are better then Norwegians boys" she says and I just laugh at her. We went to the car and where about to go inside the car when Caroline said. "Hey let me take pic of you and the car" "Sure" I simply answered.

 "Hey let me take pic of you and the car"  "Sure" I simply answered

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@alisonsmith: Me and my new baby boy;)

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@chrisschistad: I thought I was your baby boy:(
"Girls this is my stepsister Caroline" I say and looked at her and then back at the girl.
"Why are you still alive and smiling don't you two hate each other" Sana said and had a confused look on her face.
"We kinda sorted everything out" Caroline says and all the girls nods.
"You came!!" Someone said to and I turned around too see Iben with a huge smile. She gave me a huge hug and just hug lightly back and I feel guilt spread all over me. "Yeah I did" I said and smiled at her. She looked back to the girls behind me and then at Caroline. "This is Caroline my stepsister, but we are more like just sister" I said to Iben. "Nice to meet you" she said to care and before she could say anything Chris walked by and it caught Ibens attention. "Chris!" She screamed loud over the music. He turned around and came to the girl that just screamed his name. "Hey babe what's up" he said and kissed her on the lips. I quickly looked down and chuckled a bit. I would lie if I would say that I didn't feel jealous. It just that he gave me this feelings that I shut down because of what happens to me, and he just turned it on again and I didn't even think I could ever turn it on. I didn't get that much feelings for him but I did get some. And they where absolutely there right now and getting hurt. "Alison this is my lovely boyfriend Chris" she said and smiled at me. "Yeah I know him we go in English AP together" I said and looked in Chris eyes and then back to Iben. "I am going to get a drink" I said and walked away from the girls, Iben and Chris.
I walk to the kitchen and I see William. "Alison" he says and just looks at me. "Yup why are you here" I say and look for alcohol. "I want to get drunk" he says and takes a sip of his beer. "Oh me too" I say and see a vodka bottle. Exactly what I need. I grab the bottle and goes to the closest window.

I open the vodka bottle and take a huge sip of it. And then I take out a cigarette. I light it up and inhale it.
"First you take dangerous pills and now you smoke to?" I familiar voice says. "Christoffer" I say without looking back to him.
"Do you want to kill yourself or something" he jokes and grab the bottle of the vodka that I have in my head and drinks it. "Maybe I mean I tried one" I say and laugh a little bit. I would say I am really scary at this moment but I am just drunk. "Stop staying stuff like that" he says and grabs my hand but I snatched it away. "Don't touch me" I say without emotion. "How can you do that to her?" I say and look at him right in the eyes. "You told me your girlfriend died in a car crash a year and half ago, but you have been with Iben for two years" I say and still I am starring at his eyes. "Why did you lie, was it because you wanted me to feel that I was not the only human that where hurting?" I say.
"I didn't lie, she died because she saw me in bed with Iben and she ran out and a car hit her" he said and I saw his eyes watering up. "Then why the fuck would you and tell me you like me and be there for me when it comes to problem" I said. "Why the fuck would you fuck me when you have a girlfriend that loves you" I said and almost yelled this time.
"I guess I couldn't stop myself" he said and I broke that eye contact. "There is something about that drags me to you, I try to ignore you but I fucking can't" he said and he was getting closer. "I try to not care about you but honestly having you and being with you made me forgot about Iben" he was now millimeters away from my lips and my heart stared beating fast. "Please stop" I say. "I can't" he said and with that his and my lips connected.
Every nerve in my body was screaming and my heart where almost beating out of my chest. I kissed back and pleased my hands around his neck and his hands went to my hips. This kiss Weren't like the kiss we have when we fuck each other it was sort of magical. I pulled away and looked down.
"I can't" I say and hold his hands and I look down at our hands. "What is it you can't, I will break up with Iben to be with you" he say and smile.
I take his hand and place them at my chest. " do you feel my heart almost beating out of my chest, I can't feel this way don't you get it" I say and tears where now falling down my cheeks. "I won't hurt you I promise" he say. "No,no if i break again I won't be abele to come back" I say still crying. And he has some tears to in his eyes. He takes my hands and put it on his chest. "Well this is how I feel and think about how I feel at least" he say and looks at me in the eyes. "I don't fucking care about you don't you get it i don't even like you" i say and lie to him and myself. I push him away from me and goes to the door and before I leave I make sure he get it. "I fucking hate you more than that I like you. And with that I go out crying.

Updateeeeeee yes I always update as soon as I am free since I have a lot going on in school but her you go!
Btw more than 500 people are reading it's crazy!!!
Love you all.
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