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Tuesday 17:15

"I am so happy you all did make it to this buss meeting"
Vilde says with a huge smile," I was thinking we could introduce our self, Alison why don't you start" she says and looks at me with the biggest smile I ever seen, to be honest it looks like she is on crack or something.
"Well my name is Alison smith and I am half American and half Norwegian" I say and look at everyone. "Cool are your dad American or your mom" Chris asks me. "My dad" and she just nods. "Okey, great Noora your turn" Vilde says and looks at a girl with short blonde hair and red lipstick, she was really pretty. " My name is Noora sætre and I am from Norway" she seems really nice. "Eva?" Vilde says and looks at her. "I am Eva Mohn and I am also from Norway" "we all know who Chris is so she doesn't need to intrudes herself" and we all just nod.
"Sana your turn" Vilde says.
"I am sana and I think this is bullshit" I open my eyes wide and I want to laugh because of how sassy she was. "Uhm, excuse me but why do you think this is bullshit" Vilde say with a worrying face. "Because we are only six people in this group and it's only because you have been running after people the whole day" sana says and looks at Vilde. " yeah a thank you would be good" Vilde says sadly, "I can ask more people if you want to" she says and looks at sana who seem to be showing no emotion.
"No you stupid blonde girl we have to make them come to us" sana says and I think she is right. "we should not go to them, we should make them come and asking to be in this buss" I say and Sana smiles with a huge smile. "Thank god someone in this group knows stuff" Sana says and looks at me and I just smile back at her. " I like you" she says and looks at me. And with that Sana is telling everyone how we should do.

Wednesday 10:30

All six of us where standing in the school yard and where talking about the bus, Sana where asking if we knew any nineteen-seventeen guys. And everyone said no. "Oh come doesn't no one of you kno-" she was interrupt by William and Chris and there little puppy's, who would follow them everywhere. "Alison!" William said and came close to me while Chris was on his right side and all the other girls where just quiet and stared at me and William the whole time, I don't even think blinked. "William, Christoffer" I said calm and looked at both of them. "We are having a Halloween party at our house and would like you to come" Chris said and smirked at me, gosh how I wanted to slap that smirk of him. " I will come if my friends can come to" I say and they looked at them and just looked back at me "sure" William answers. "I will text you time and the address" William says and they start to walk away. And then it hit me, I don't remember giving my number to him, "wait I didn't give you my number" and he looks back at me " I already have it" "and so does I" Chris says after William and I just stare at both them, and then I turn around to the group.
"You did not say that you knew the penetrators" Vilde said with a very surprise look on her face. "The Who?" I ask confused, "the most popular guys at school, who also have the best parties" Sana said and looks at like I am crazy. "I do not know them I just go in the same class as Chris and William is kinda obsessed with me" I say and smirk a little bit, "you just made my job so much easier" Sana says and smirks While the other girl are just smiling since they are going to a penetrator Halloween party.

"Shit my class started 10 minuets ago" I say and hug them all goodbye and run to my class, which was going to be with Chris.

So i felt for updating again I kinda have a lot of ideas I want to write down since I don't have school these days!

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