Twenty six

825 14 2

Tuesday 15:35

I was standing backside school smoking a cigarette with William.

"You know it's really funny" William says and smiles.

"What's funny? I ask and give him a confused look.

"I had a huge crush on you, and you're best friend Vilde had a crush on me. And you had a crush on Chris, and now you are dating him " he says and laughs at the end.

"Oh don't forget the part where we were fuck buddies" I say and smile.

"Yeah I got to admit you were amazing in bed" he says and smirks.

"Of course I was!" I say and smirk back.

"So you and Chris are you guys getting serious?" William then suddenly ask.

"Yeah, I mean we are already serious" I say and inhale the poison.

"Really? Do you like him" he asks and stare at me serious.

"No I don't, I love him" I say and smile at the thought of him.

"Are you sure?" William asks me, why is he so weird and asking me about Chris and my fucking feelings so Much? I don't get to answer him because we get interrupt by Chris and some penetrator guys coming to take a Chris. When I see Chris I light up since I had see him just a few times today.

"Hey gorgeous" Chris says and put his hand around my waist and kisses me on the lips. I put my hand around his neck and kiss him back. After the kiss I pull away and look at his beautiful face when something caught my eyes.

"Is that a hickey?" I ask and hold his chin to see the hickey better.

"Yeah you did that last night" he says and laughs a bit.

"No I didn't, I don't mark what's mine their" I say and look at him.

Usually when I leave hickeys I put them somewhere everyone can see to show people what's mine. This hickey looks like you want to hide it.

"Alison stop being suspicious I swear it's yours" he says and looks at me. I forgot that the boys where here to but I didn't care, where he cheating on me?

"Are you cheating on me" I ask and look right in to his eye. His eyes flicker. When I ask him the question and he just looks at me. He then takes my arm and drag me away from backside school to the actual courtyard.

"I would never ever cheat on you Alison, I love you more then anything why would Want to loose you" he says and my eyes and heart softens a bit.

"I am sorry, I just thought.. it just that-" I said and stared walking away from Chris to my car.

"Wait Alison where are you going?" He yelled still standing in the same place were we talked.

"I am going home I call you later" I say and jump in my car and drive away. I know that I didn't leave the hickey, and he lied about that it was from me last night, but I didn't even kiss his neck.

I felt like crying so bad but I have to be strong, I am not going to let some fuckboy play with my feelings. It does hurts because I do love him so much, but why would he be cheat.

Wasn't I enough?

And then without noticing I felt tears running down my checks.i stoped the car at son parking lot and just cried.
I put my hands on the wheel, and let the tears come out. It just hurts so bad I am back at where I was some months ago.

I whip my tears with the back of my hand and get myself together.

"Don't be a bitch Alison, hurt him as much he did"

Wednesday 13:56

I texted William to meet me in the hallways, as I waited for him to come out I look at my phone to see if I got any notification. I see that Chris has texted me two times. I don't bother opening them.  I look up and see William coming in front me.

"What's up Ali?" He asks.

I put my hand on his chest and make him back to the locker and there was just some millimeters between ok body, our faces, our lips.

I look at him and all see in his eyes is lust.

"What the hell what are you doing Ali?" He says but still not moving away from me.

"Me and Chris are done, and that means I need my fuck buddy back" I say and smirk. And with that he just presses his lips against mine. I don't feel I shit when he touches me or kisses me, when Chris do I feel like my body is screaming from his touch.

I kiss William back and he's tongue enters my mouth.
"Oh, how I missed your lips" he says between our kisses. I just smirk and we are still kissing but are going to the toilet. I close the door while I am kissing William.

He put his hands on my but and wispears  jump in my ear. I jump on his lap and put my legs around his torso.

"Shit I missed out bodies together" William says and put his shirt on.

"Yeah me to" I say and put my jacket on and then waiting for William to get dressed.

"I am sorry about you and Chris" William says and gives me a soft smile.

"It's my own fault I shouldn't trust him from the first" I say give him a Small smile back.

"I just wanted you to know I had nothing to do with the bet, I did told them they were going way to far" he said. When those word came out of his mouth I knew that we knew different things, I felt my heart beat faster.

"W- what bet?" I ask and William looks at me confused.

"Didn't you guys broke up because you find about the bet?" He ask.

"No we broke up because he fucking cheated on me yesterday" I say harsh.

"Shit" William says.

"William what bet" I said a bit louder.

"Chris and some other guys bet that Chris could make you fall in love agin and then just leave you" William say.

My eyes where getting blurred of the tears forming in my eyes. I felt like my Lungs where getting heavier and it was suddenly harder to breath.
With that I storm out of the bathroom. And run to my car and just sit in the car for a long minute. And just cried, The tears didn't

The bomb is finally out I will try to uptake today again.
Sorry for late update


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