Twenty three

921 14 2

Wednesday  8:45

I was putting my bag and jacket in the locker while Vilde was talking about a party this weekend. Honestly all these party is getting to much but now I've got Chris by my side every night there is no more hooking up with random people or sleeping with a different guy every week, and I liked it. It wasn't easy for both me and Chris just to stop  hooking up with people and sleeping with them, but I guess the love between us where stronger. The hardest thing was probably not being flirty with people, Chris flipped out on me some times let just say that Chris was a very jealous boyfriend, but so was I every time a girl asked if they could hook up it would end me throwing a drink in her face. But that was just they way we acted none of us were used to be committed to someone. We have now been together for three weeks and it have been the best weeks of my life, never would I thought I could be happy again.

"So can you do it?" Vilde asks me and I have no idea of what she is asking me.

"What can I do?" I ask.

"Host a party this friday?" She says and smiles.

"Ummmm, okey but you all got to help me clean up at the end last time was a disaster" I say and laugh.

"Yesssss, we will love you Alison" she says and start running to her class.

Me and the girl is sitting in the cafeteria eating, well they are I am only drinking a ice coffe.

"Alison how is it between you Schistad?" Sanna ask and smile and so does the other girls.

"Things are great at the moment" I say and blush a little bit. Just the thought of this boy made me blush what is he even doing to me?

"Aww, you're so cute I can't with you" Nora says.

"Oh shut up we all know you and William are dating" I say and all the girls laugh.

"Wait, what how do you even know?" She says confused.

"Let's just say that the way you look at him it's obviously" female Chris says.

My attention goes to my phone the vibrate. I look at the screen and sees that Chris texted me. "Meet me at the lockers" I smile and say bye to the girls and grab my stuff and go to my lockers.

And there he is standing his back against the locker, how did I get so lucky to have this amazing guy as my boyfriend. One thing I know where that this guy could be something real, maybe my future, because I didn't want to let him go.

Christoffer POV

As I was standing in the hallway waiting for Alison, I got a text from Iben. "My house tonight babe" she wrote I hated doing this to Alison but at the end I couldn't get feelings for her. I knew this would break her and I tried many times to stop this before anyone could get really hurt. I didn't know I would get these feelings for Alison, at first it was just a game but I am really falling for her.

"Hey baby boy" I hear her soft voice full the empty hallway.

I smile at her because I loved when she always call me that. She is amazing girl who has been going through a lot, and Doesn't deserve what we have planned for her.

"Hey, baby girl" I say and kiss her and she puts her arms around my neck and I put mine on her tiny waist.
After the kiss I just pull her into a hug and I know I never want to let go of her.

"Are you okey" she says and pulls away from my hug and look me in the eyes with worried eyes.

"Um, no my parents are back in town for this week and yeah they want to meet up" I say.

Me and my parents Doesn't really get along, they are heartless Piece of shit that only cares about their job and their self. After my sister died the wanted to move but I couldn't leave William. Both me and William has been through a lot of shit and we have been friend since we were kids. So our heartless parents brought us an apartment.

"And they want us to eat dinner tonight but I don't think I will go" I say.

"Oh, come on why would be so hard" she says.

"Th- They are just terrible" I say and look down just thinking of everything they put me in through in the past.

"Hey, look at me if you want I can come" she says and smile. I look at her what did I do to deserve a girl like her.

"You would do that?" I ask.

"Anything for you, I will be by your side just as you where by my side" she says and my heart stops. I look at her and smile big.

"I love you Alison Smith" I say and I am surprised that I even said it. But that was how I felt this girl is the best thing that have ever happened to.
Her face is shocked by my word but then her face softens.

"I love you too Christoffer schistad" she says and smile and I pull her into a big kiss.

Oh my god I have almost reached 1k views I am so chocked and I love every single one of you votes it means the world!!!


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