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Tuesday 16:30

I open my apartment door and take my shoes and my jacket off. And then I go to my living room and sits down at my couch. I just sit there doing nothing and stare right in front. The silence is scary, and I am all alone I will probably always be alone but still the feeling I can't describe it just hurts.

"Dad can we talk?" I ask nervously. "Honey I don't have time right now" he looks at me and then looks back at his paperwork at his desk. " it's really important Please" I say once again and he looks up at me and suck."Okey, what's on your mind" he says and looks at me, "I wanna move back to Norway" I say and I hear how my voice is shaking, "are you out of your mind, why would you wanna go back there?!" He says and looks at me like I was crazy. "You love it here in California, living with your sister and mo-" I cut him of before he can say that his plastic wife is my mom. " she is not my mom and her little slutty. Daughter is defiantly not my damn sister" I say angrily and looks up at him. After what Caroline did to me with my boyfriend I can never even look at her without wanting too kill her. "Watch your mouth Alison" my dad says angry. And I completely drop it, i could not handle it all he ever loved was his wife and his damn company I am even starting to think he loves Caroline more than me, And I am his real daughter.
"No! I won't watch my fucking moth because I have had enough, you don't care a shit about me all you ever care is about your disgusting plastic wife and her slutty little daugh-" I then felt a big pain in my cheek, and I realize he just fucking hit me. I feel tears streaming down my face, " I am your father and you can not talk to me about my wife and daughter like that Alison Smith" he says and looks right in to my eyes. "No, no you are not my father, my father would never hit me or cause me this pain that I have now" and his eyes softened he was about to say something but I cut him off, "my father died the same day as my mother did" "Alison I am sorry I didn't mean to hit you I just got a little bit angry" my father says and smiles and try to hug me. "No don't touch me Andrew, I want you to buy me a apartment in Norway or I swear to god I will kill myself in front of you in this house" I say angry and rush out his office room.

Andrew is my father real name and that what I call him these days. Andrew did not believe when I said that I would kill myself in this house if he did not buy me a apartment in Norway. And week past by in all he said I can't let you live alone you will stay in this house with Adrian my dads wife and Caroline who was her daughter. He said I could move out when I was eighteen.
So when day I was going to do it, kill myself in front of him like my mom did to me. I remember every detail of when my mom did it. I went to my dads office in this house with big kitchen knife in my hand. I opened his doors and he did not look up, I stood near the door and whispered "dad I told you I would" and with that he looks up at me and I put the sharp knife in my stomach.

I caught myself crying of the memory that wasn't so long ago it was about 5 months ago. I survived and my dad said I could go and live in Norway but he said that he would visit me a lot, you know too keep an eye on me. I felt a little bad for him, but then I reminded myself always what he did. And I still only call him Andrew.
I hear my phone vibrate and see that I got a text message from Eva.

Eva: hey girl, the buss meeting is 17:15 at Vildes house pick me up? I got her address:)
                          Alison: yeah I will be at your house 17:00 be ready:)

I then felt really hungry and I did not want to eat anything, but I couldn't hold myself so went and grabbed a apple.
I finished the apple really fast since I was very hungry, but then I felt how the apple was coming up and I knew I would throw up. I run to the bathroom and throw up everything that I eaten today the salad and apple.
I cleaned myself up and checked the time 16:30.
I was now sitting in my couch and looked thru Instagram and decided I would post a picture since it was a long time ago.

Long time no see;)

@alisonsmith Long time no see;)

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@evamohn: gosh, u are so pretty Ali!

@alisonsmith: haha I know jk thanks boo <3

Go bestie miss u girl come back to cali! <33

@alisonsmith: miss you to my monkey I will never come back to cali I would die:((

@AronRyan: why did I ever cheat on u again btw your sister is getting annoying;)

@alisonsmith: fuck off Aaron go to your plastic whore

@chrisschistad: @williammagnusson found her.

@williammagnusson: Alison the sassy girl that takes my parking place and who has the same car as me;)

@alisonsmith: stalking much Chris?

@alisonsmith: oh please get over yourself William.

I checked the time again and saw that it was 16:49, "shitt" I say to myself and grab all my stuff and go to my car and drive to Eva's house.

Yeah so I posted 2 chapter today and I think I be doing that tomorrow to hope u all liked it!!

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