Twenty nine

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Monday 11:15

Chris POV

I was sitting in my English AP class our teacher was saying something, but I did not hear shit. The only thing that I hear is Alison crying which made my heart broke. I looked at the chair beside me. This is Alison seat, this was were we first time talked to each other. Memories.

I love her more then anything, and I feel so disgusting because I hurt her more then she was already hurt. I knew her past I knew how much she's been through still I said yes to that stupid bet. I hate iben for telling the whole school about her past she did it because I broke up with her.

When I first I meet Alison I thought she were just a bitch. So I did care about her, but then I got to know her and she got to know me. I loved everything about her.

I loved when you gave her a compliment and she would answer back confident and say I know it well duh.

I loved that if she wanted something she wouldn't stop until it was hers.

I loved that she would always call me Christoffer, and I would always say don't say my full name but I low key liked it.

I Love her so god damn much I need to make her mine again, how I have no idea, she won't come to school and I can't just visit her when ever I want to now these days.

The bell rang and I got up fast, walking out of the classroom.

"Yo, Chris" somebody yelled my name. I looked back and saw William catching up with me.

"What's up bro?" I ask.

"Didn't you hear, Alison is in school"
William says.

"What how do you know" I ask confused.

" some people saw her walking in to school and Everyone is talking about her even more" William says.

"Do you know where she is?" I ask

"No man, sorry but ask someone gotta go see you later" he says and walks away.

I go to some random girl from group, and ask them were they last saw Alison.

"Hey girls, have you seen Alison" I ask and smile slightly. And they just stare at me in shock.

"Um, I heard they last time saw were behind school, you know where everyone smokes" one of the girls said and I just nodded and walked away.

I walk out of school and go behind the school. And there she is her back against the school buildings back.  Smoking a cigarette, Like she always do.

"Alison" I say and she turns around, her perfect beautiful face dose that look the same anymore. It looks smaller and her bags under her eyes where very big. And I know I did this to her, and that Hurts even more.

"Why can't you just leave me alone" she says and drops the cigarettes and walk past me.

"I can't because I love you" I say and she stops.

"Did you get your money?" She asks and I sigh.

"I don't want the fucking money Alison, I just want you I fucking need you" I say and get closer to her, but she takes one step back.

"Alison, I am sorry what I did was horrible, but I fell in love with you and I wanted to stop it but they wouldn't let me, how many times do I have to tell you that I am sorry?" I say and take a step closer to her.

"I want to forgive you, I really want to but I can't . You are like my cigarette your bad and not good for me but I am addicted to you" she says.

"Alison I swear I will never hurt you again just please let me love you" I say and our lips are millimeters away.

"I am moving back to cali" she says and there does my heart stop. She is moving back to California, I can't let that happen.

"No, you're not" I say and look at her green big eyes that made me even fall in love with her more.

"That's why I was at school, to tell the principle I am moving" she says, and this can't be true she can't leave me. How will I survive without her?

"Bu- but you promised that you would never leave me" I say and tears stared forming in my eyes.

"And Christoffer remember that you promised me that you would never hurt me" she says and walks away from me and I just stand there.

Alison POV

" I am going to miss you girls so much" I say and cry.

"No we are going to miss you more" Sana says and even a tear comes from her.

"Yeah I will always be grateful for eating lunch with you the first day of school" Eva says and I just laugh and cry at the same time.

"My little pumpkin please don't leave" Caroline says.

" I need to get away from here" I say and look around.

"I love you Ali don't forget us" Noora says.

"Yeah we both are so happy that we asked you to be in our buss" female Chris says and vilde nods.

"Flight 228 to California is open now for boarding" the speakers say.

"That my signal I love you guys so much I am so happy that I got know all of you" I say and cry more.

"We love you more ali!!!!" The girls scream as I am almost on the plane.

And with that I leave the country that have been breaking my heart so much, but this last one I just couldn't take it.

THE BOOK IS DONE OMF I CANT BELIVE I AM DONE, do you guys want a book two please comment and let me know:)))))


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