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Friday 21:30

Men and the girls where sitting and drinking it was the pre drinking at my house. I usually would not drink before a part I like to get drunk at the party, but I couldn't face Chris sober after our last conversation.

"Guys I am ready to tell you guys everything" I say and look at the five girls that now where staring at me and giving me little smile.
"So that day when I came to school with all the bruises was because the yakuza guys took me and Chris and some other penetrator boys, because William beat the crap out of one of the yakuza boys" I said and I saw Vilde look down because she was with William that night. "and the told Chris that if he would say where William was the wouldn't beat me up but Chris had no idea where he was" I said and Vilde where still looking down.
"William was with me I am so sorry" she said and looked at me.
"I know it's okey its not your fault" I said.
"Yes it is because he did not even want to go out but I kinda annoyed him, I just wanted to loose my virginity to him" she said and everyone was staring at her like she was insane. "Why he is douche" Noora said.
"I know that now because he has a lot of stuff going on right now you know he is the buss leader so" Vilde said trying to make a excuse for him not paying attention to her.
I felt so bad for sleeping with William because I know it will hurt Vilde, and I know it hurt Chris. Why the fuck am I thinking of what he feels.

I decide that I would post a pic on Instagram.
@alisonsmith: I look like a Total bitch, oh wait I am one;)

 @alisonsmith: I look like a Total bitch, oh wait I am one;)

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I high key died:/

@itsyourgirlcarrie: gosh I can't with youuu

@williammagnusson: feel blessed that I know you

@chrisschistad: yes you are a bitch

@sanabakoushhh: I wish I was a guy:(

@vildeeeee: call 911 NOW!

We where sitting in my car and driving to Chris house, which was really stupid since I've been drinking. I parked the car outside his house which was full of other cars. We stepped out of the car and made it to the front door. Eva rang the doorbell and in a second Chris where standing in front of us. All the girls walked in and I was the last one walking in. Chris had a huge smile on and we made eye contact and it broke when the girls dragged me away. The way he looked at me made my body jump like there was fireworks in my body exploding. But I knew what kind of guy he was. He was just like Aron, and I where not going to get a broken heart again, oh wait I don't have heart.
"I am going to grab a drink" I say and made my way to the kitchen. The house where full it was like every single person from our school was here, the smell of alcohol cigarettes made me hungry. I was craving it. "Long time no see Alison" someone said and putting their hands around my neck. I could not see who it was since the person grabbed me behind.
I turn around and see William.
"Did you sleep with Vilde" I said and walk past him to get a seat with my drink in my hand.
"Uh I think so" he said and took a seat right next to me. "Why are you so fucking mean to her she likes you stop being a idiot" I say and take good chunk of my vodka that was in my hand.
"Well I am not interested in her" he said
"Then who are you interested in?" I smile and take another sip from the vodka.
"You Alison but I know how much Chris likes you." William says and takes a hand thru his hair.
"Chris do not like me, if he liked me he would not be making out with two girls right know" I say and look at the direction where Chris is.
"Believe me he likes you, he always says he is worried about you" I feel my heart jump a little bit when those words come out of Williams mouth.
"I don't need anyone to feel pity for me" I say and take another huge chunk of vodka, I feel it burn my throat.
"Do you like him?" William says, I am surprised he ask that because I do not know myself either. "I think so" I say. It fucking slipped out my mouth, this is what drunk Alison do, talking about her emotions, and she is being honest.
I look back at Chris who is now going upstair to the rooms, where they are probably going to fuck. William is looking to and then he looks back at me with a small smile.
"This is what I mean I like him I really do but if I let myself go I will just get hurt because he is a fuckboy and he can't change who he is" and this is drunk Alison talking.
"Okey come on, do you have a problem kissing me and taking Clothes of?" William says and smirks.
"Boy when have I ever had a problem with that" I say and smile back.
William grabs my hand and we go up and then he just attack my lips. I kiss him passionately back, and the kiss is getting way more in tense. I start taking his belt of and he is opening a door, we go in to the room and I take off William shirt and kiss his bare chest.
"What the fuck man" I hear someone yell. I look over and see Chris without a shirt on two girls laying in the bed.
"What are you two doing!?!" Chris asks
"What does it look like, we are repeating what we did last time" I say and smirk.
I look at Chris and see how sad he gets when those words come out of my moth.
"Sorry for interrupting lets go William, let's finish what we stared" I look back at Chris one last time and his eyes says everything.
"I mean it let's finish what we stared" I smile and he grabs my face and pulling me into a kiss, the kiss goes to making out, and from making out to taking each other clothes of. And then the only thing that I hear is mine and Williams moan in the room.
"As long as you and Chris are not together we can be fuck buddies" William says while we are still fucking.
"Sound perfect to me"

I decide that I would update again since I haven't in a while. Comment and vote love you all!!!!


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