Twenty eight

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Friday 9:45

Tree days has passed by and my phone is full of text messages from Chris, of how we needed to talk and that he is sorry. I haven't talked to the girls not even Caroline who olives with me. I just been in my room in three days crying my eyes out. The girls know what happened, the whole school know what happened. The bitch Iben told the hole school, and all my secrets. Caroline told me that everyone is talking about me in school in every hallway, which make me never wanna go back to school ever.

I don't care if that's going to make me look weak, to be honest weak or strong I don't give a fuck anymore.
Before I would always want people to think that I was a strong person even when I was weak, but now I am so weak I can't even try to look strong.

Broken that's what I am, in hundred pieces. I gave Him everything, I trusted him more then anyone else, I told him about my mom about dad about my self harm. And so much more, and he told Iben who told the hole school. I get interrupt in my own mind by someone knocking on the door.

"Caroline I've told you I am not going to school, I am not going to eat, and I defiantly don't want to fucking talk"
I yell and press my head against my pillow. The door opens and I suck loud. I turn around to yell at her, but then my heart breaks into a billion pieces more because it was not Caroline in front me.

It was the one human being that ripped my heart out of My chest and Broke it in to a billion Pisces.

"What the hell do you want" spat and look at him.

"I need to talk to you" he says and sits on my bed.

"We don't have anything to talk about" I say and look down at the pillow in my hand.

"Alison, its true it was a bet but I swear to god I tried to stop it when I stared to get feelings for you"

" I never lied when I said I love you, I me at it you mean so god damn much for me, I- I can't loose you" he says and his voice were now cracking.

"Well it's to damn late not did you just loose me, I loosed myself, and I can't stop crying, I am just so sick of crying" I said and there did the tears come agin.

"Alison please forgive me and give me another chance I have broke up with Iben an-" he said but I cut him off.

"forgive you? Are you fucking kidding me? I can't forgive myself for letting myself fall in love and you want me to forgive you, the hole damn school knows about me wanting to kill myself and how my mom killed herself, how do you even dare to ask me to forgive you" I say and get up and walking in my room in frustration.

"I love you Alison, I fucking love you at first I thought it was funny but the more I spend time with and got to know you I regretted starting this bet, and you made me catch feelings I never felt, the way you stood up to me when we meet my parents I knew I never want to loose you" he said and was now standing up to. He had his hand on my cheek and just looked down at our foots.

"Why do you do this to me" I whisper and looked up at his beautiful face. And even him was crying now.

"I am a terrible person but please forgive me" he says.

"Can you please leave" I say.

"Alison I-"

"Please" I say once again.

And he kisses me on the forhead and whispers I love you. And he's hand left my cheek and he gets out of the door.

I start crying heavily and I am now sitting on the floor. I take my phone and dial the number I thought I never would have to again but I needed him.
Some signals go and then I hear his voice.

"Smith" he answers.

"Dad" I cried

"Alison darling what's wrong honey" he says worried.

"I want to come back to California, I need you" I cry heavily.

"My little girl, I book you a flight are you alright? Did something happened between you and Caroline" he asks me on the other line.

"No, nothing have happened between us it just I miss you and realized I miss cali too and I need you" i said

"Sorry that I have been a terrible daughter, I really am a-" I said but he cut me of.

"No honey you haven't you just been through a lot and I have not been the best father either" he says and smile of his words.

"I see you soon dad love you" I say and hang up the phone.

Yay another chapter this book is ending soon please comment I want to know what you think of this book:)

Love You<3


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