Twenty one

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Monaday 08:30

As me and Caroline arrive at school we go to the prince pals office, since Caroline I starting school here with me. It felt good because I would not be so alone, I know I have the girls but it's weird but Caroline feels like a real sister. My dad and her mom was happy she was going to live with me, specially my dad. He was thrilled that me and Caroline were getting along.

After a half hour of sitting outside the office, Caroline came out. "What do you have now?" I asked and we starting walking to the lockers. "I have AP English" she says and I got relief that she took that class, I mean we both speaks perfect English why wouldn't we go to that class. And I could not go that class and face Chris after what happened last Friday. What I said was just to protect myself I liked Chris a lot way more than I should,but I am not getting hurt again. We knock on the door and my teacher opens the door. She looks at me and then sight. "Late again" she says and then her eyes go to Caroline and then back at me. "Excuse me who are?" She asks Caroline. And we step in the classroom. "I am Caroline smith, new here" she says and smile and my teacher smile back at her. I go to my seat which is next to Chris. "Caroline take a seat next to Rebecca" she says and points at her.

I don't make any eye contact with Chris, and he doesn't even bother looking up from his phone when I take the seat next to him. "Excuse me can I go to the bathroom" Chris says and look at teacher. "Sure be back quick" she says and he goes out.
Did he go out because of me?

After long 30 minutes Chris stamps back in to the classroom, "Christoffer what took you so long" my teacher asks and I look up and see his swollen lips and a small hickey on his neck. Of course this is one of the many reason why I hate him so much. "Uhm my stomach was in pain" he says and
comes back to the Seat next to me.
I ignore him and still have my eyes on my notebook that now are full of doodle. What I said to him was mean, no it was awful but what happened to was horrible and I thought maybe I can be with him, with Christoffer but after seeing how uncommitted he is to Iben there is no way in hell I would risk it.

The bell rang and me and Caroline made our way to lunch and meet up the other girls. As we pass people in the hallway people stare at us and Whisperers. "Yeah I heard she was Williams fuck buddie"
"No it was Chris" "but Chris has a girlfriend" "poor Iben"
"Who is the girl next to her, are the twins or something" all these whispers and drama talking, people don't have a fucking life.

"Are you not going to eat?" Noora asks me. "No I made a huge breakfast this morning" I lied I just ate un Appel but it's good before I couldn't even eat that. "Did you guys here that Iben find out that Chris cheated on her" Vilde says while checking her lipstick. I choke on my own spit and my heart beat faster, hands are sweating and I look at Caroline and Noora with widen eyes since they are the only ones that know about it. "What do you mean find out?" I ask trying to Sound calm when I am freaking the fuck out.

"Yeah Apparently Chris told her that he has been having sex with a another girl, and that he has got feelings" Eva says and Vilde nods.

"Yeah how crazy, who would thought that Christoffer Schistad would get feeling for a girl" Vilde says.

"What do you mean he has been with Iben for two years" Female Chris says.

"Yeah but do you think he was even committed to her?" Sana says and get in the conversation.

I look at the front door of the cafeteria and see William and Chris and some penetrator guys walk in, and I feel my blood boil. Without even noticing what I am doing I get up and walk towards Chris. It's like my body moves before my brain start thinking of what I am actually doing. I grab his arm and pull him to a corner in the cafeteria.

"What the hell is fucking wrong with you!?" I whisper yell at him.

"Oh I am just fine, you should probably go to a doctor and get that temper checked out" he smiles and smirk at the same time. And starts walking away before I take his arm and but him where he was before.

"What did you tell Iben?!" I ask him trying not to be loud and scream at him.

"I told her that I am getting feelings for the girl I have been fucking" he says and pause.
"And then she asked who it was" he says.

"Please tell me you didn't say my name" I say and start getting worried.

"Ops... my bad" Chris says and smile. God please stop me from not ripping his head of.
And before I can answers that someone tap on my shoulder.
I turn around see Iben. I start of by saying her name until she throws her ice coffee at me and slapped me.
I open my mouth and quickly look over my table and see that the girls are now making their way to me. The fact that Chris is behind me is fucking great.

"Oh honey you should not do that" I say to her smiling like the devil while I take my thumbs under my eyes.
Everyone in the cafeteria is now looking at us.

"Well you shouldn't be a fucking whore!" She screams and with that i push her chest as hard I can so she falls in the ground. Ibens friend where now attacking my friend who fight back like it was world war three. I quickly sit on Iben.
I throw some more punches while she is dragging my hair and throw some punches at my face to. "You fucking bitch why did you sleep with my boyfriend" she screams while punishing on the face, and I throw some punches back.

"Because he said he wasn't with anyone!" I screamed back.
She stoppad fighting When the words came out of my mouth and so did her friends. I Saw the floor who was bloody as hell from the nose blending from me and Iben.

She backed some steps and look right in my eyes.

"He said he wasn't with anyone?" she said and her eyes filled with tears. I felt bad, no I fucking felt horrible for her, because I know what she is going through. She looked back at Chris who was behind me, she went up to his face and screamed.

"Wasn't I good enough for you, I gave you fucking everything" she cried and yelled in to his face, and then she and her group walked away.

"Are you okey" Chris asks me and grabs my arm.

"Do I look okey?" I ask him, and give him a sad look.
"Lets go and get cleaned up" Sana says and all my girls walk to the bathroom and are helping each other.

"Thanks girl for having my back, I love you all" I say and we all pulled up in a group hug

wicked shit - chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now