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Monday 7:56

I wake up and feel that I am laying in a bed. I look around and see that I am not in my room, I am thinking about what happened last night and how I got here.

And then it hits me, Chris, the boys and that guy. The guy that hit me multiply times. I look at what I am wearing and see that I am wearing a big black t-shirt   And my underwear only.
I start to panic what if the guy that hit me raped me. I get out of the bed and I look around the room I see a mirror and I walk towards to it.
I gasps when I see how many red and blue marks I have on my face, my lip have thin red scar and I just look at my self until I lift the shirt I am wearing to see if I have any bruises on my body too. And I sure had one huge bruise on my ribboned. I touch it gently and I almost jumped of the pain.
I almost start to cry I look at myself one more time before going out of the room. I opens the door and walk out of that room what do I do if that guy comes to me again, I will sure not survive this time. I tip to the hallway and I feel my heart almost jumping out of my chest when I hear male voices.
I walk to where the voices come from, and then I see William, Chris and the boys that got beat up last night to sitting and eating breakfast.
I feel how my body relives when I see them and not the boys that beat me up.
"You're awake" William says and walks to me. He put me in a big hug, and I just stand there in pain since his stomach is touching my ribboned.
"Ow, it hurts" I say and he back of quickly and I take my hand to my stomach.
He looks at where my hands are and then to my eyes.
" I am so sorry, I never meat to put you in this situation Ali"
William says and takes my hand. It feels wrong knowing Chris is sitting right there and looking at us while I know how he feel. And It feels wrong too that I am here worrying about a boy. Since I stopped a long time ago about worrying about a boys feelings.

"It's okey" I almost whispers.

"We can skip school today if you're not feeling good" he says and smiles.
"Uhm I can't I have a really big test today" I say and remember that I have a biology test today that I haven't even study for.

"okey we are going to school too we can stop by your house and you can get ready" William says and looks quickly back at the guys and then to me again.
I nod and just stare at our hands that still are holding together.

"Okey hurry up school starts in 30 minutes" William says and I get out of the small car. Me and Chris have still not talked or anything. I see him looking at me every time I talk to William but he doesn't say anything. I hurry up to my apartment and I open the door and step in the hallway.

I go and quickly pick a outfit for today. Which needs to be comfortable since I can't even stand with my own skin right now.


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I don't even use makeup today because no matter how hard I try the bruises in my face won't go away and it hurts when I touch my skin.

I go back to the car and Chris get out of the car so I can go back to the back seats where I sit on one of the guys lap.
Chris doesn't even look at me when he gets out, I look at his face and see a scar on his nose and he has a huge black eye.
Why is he ignoring me, I want to Ask him how he is if he's okey, but the way he is acting is scary, and it makes me unsure about what I should do or not which never ever happens to me.

We arrived at school and William parks the car where I usually do. William steps out of the car and so does Chris. And I push the front set so I can get out of the tiny car and so does the other guys in the car. I see everyone whispering and starting at us and for the first time I feel uncomfortable. I see the girls standing there with open mouth and staring at all of us specially me.
I feel someone grab my hand, I look down at it and then up and see William with a little smile.
And then all six of us walks in to school.

I am at my locker right now with William next to asking me a hundred questions.
"You're sure you are going to be Alright"
"Call me if anything happens"
And at lunch you sit with me and my group because I can't let anything else happen to you again" he says after been talking for about 5 minutes.
"William calm down if anything happens I will call you by the way do really need to be with you guys at lunch" I ask him.
"Yeah you need to, since they didn't beat me up last night they will still come after me and will probably take you again and I can't let them do that" he says and looks right in to my eyes. I really feel guilty because I don't feel anything for William specially not the same way he does, and I think he is starting to get feelings for me. And it's weird because I would never feel bad for guys that is having feeling for me before, but it seems like something is changing me. Is it because of what happens last night, or of how my dad describe me, or is it because of Christoffer.
I don't even know why I suddenly think about him all the time but he can't seem to leave my mind, and I hope I can't leave his mind.

"Hey, you okey" William asks and wake me up from my thoughts.
"Yeah, yeah I am fine got to go my class starts soon" I say and smile. I see Chris and the boys walk to our way and I feel how my heart skips a beat when I see Chris talking to another girl while he is walking with the guys too.

"I see you at lunch beautiful, good luck on the test by the way" he says and kisses my cheek and leaves to the guys. Me and Chris makes eye contact and he get interrupted by the girl taking his face and kiss him. I see him kiss back and he smirks while kissing the girl. I somehow feel hurt one minute he tell me he likes me and the other he is making out with a bimbo, I quickly walk away to my class.

"You all have 60 minutes to do the test and if I caught someone cheating I will rip your paper in two parts" my teacher threats us all. When i get the pare I look at all the questions.

"What happens to your body if You don't get nutrition?"
"Not eating good can cause?"
The question made think of when I last eat. I didn't eat this morning and I didn't eat before the guys took me last night.
And that is when my head starts to scream and every bone in my body to. It feels like I am about to die. I need to get out because I know what I am having right now.
I quickly stand up and my teacher looks at me, "Ali are you okey" she asks and I just run out of the classroom.

I was having a panic attack.
I stared crying and I starts walking fast to the bathroom when Bump in to someone who came out of the boys bathrooms.
"Sorry" I cried and apologies to the person.
I quickly get in to the bathroom and I fall on the ground. Then someone came in I didn't bother looking at who it was I just couldn't.
"Ali what the hell is happing" I look at the persone that is now sitting on the floor with me, and it's Chris.
"Ali answer me what is happing?!" He says a little bit louder. I just can't say anything, it feels like water is filling up my lungs. I start breath heavily.
"Fuck you are having a panic attack" he says and hold my hands.
"Breath Ali breath"
"Ali sorry but I have to"
And with that Chris lips connected to mine, I didn't kiss back but it feels so damn right good, like they belong their. And I feel my heart beat and I feel how I easily start to breath again.
"Thank you Chris"
And I have My head on his chest and he's arms around my tiny body.
And we just sit on the floor in the bathroom, and something I know for sure I didn't want him to let me go.

Yayyyyy new chapter feels like this was longer then the other!

Please comment and like it would mean sooooo much!!


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