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Tuesday 11:35

Me and Noora was sitting in Spanish class, I still have not told the girls about what happened to my face. I just answer them with I do not want to talk about yet. I feel bad because I know they are worrying about me and I am lucky to have so good friends.
"Do we have lunch now" Noora ask me while she wrote something down in her note book. "Yeah.." I say and I feel my body turn as soon as I hear the name food or lunch. I still do not eat, well I try but I end up throwing up all the time and I feel that I am getting skinner since I haven't eat food in like two months. I eat but as soon as I swallow the food I just throw it all up.
"Aliiiiiiii" I hear Noora say.
"Oh sorry lost in my mind" I say to the blonde girl who just smiles at me.
"Are you sure you are okey you been sort of gone lately"
She say and look at me serious.
"Hey girls" Eva says and walks right beside me.
We walk our way to the cafeteria and Norra and Eva keeps talking about a party the we where invited to.
"Who's party is it" I ask and look at Eva.
"Penetrator Chris" Eva says and smirk.
"Don't you have thing for Willhelm?" Norra ask and I laugh a little.
"Oh come on William, and no"
I say and smile at Noora.
"Wait I thought you liked Chris" Eva says and looks confused.
"I don't like Chris or William, but I've slept with William and Chris says he likes me" I say and both girls grab my hand and looks at me with wide eyes.
"What" I laugh and look at them both, "YOU SLEPT WITH WILLIAM" Eva screams. "Shushhhhhhh" I say and cover her mouth with my hand, "please tell me you are joking" Norra says, and looks at me seriously. "Why is it so bad if I slept with, it was only a one time thing" I say and we are now sitting at a round table at the cafeteria. "Because Vilde slept with William, and she is totally in love with him now"
Eva says and takes a bite of her sandwich.

"She slept with him, When?"
I ask. I feel really bad now because I know Vilde have feelings for him while I only want pleasure. "Sunday,William took her out on a date"
Sunday was the day me and the boys got beat up by the yakuza- guys. And that's why Chris did not know where William was when they asked for him.
"Girls I have amazing news" I turn around and face all the other girls and Vilde have a judge smile on and continue her amazing news. "William just said hi to me when I walked by" she says and claps her hands. I look over to the penetrator table and see Chris with a girl on his lap and they are making out. I hear the boys say to Chris and his bimbo to get a fucking room which I agree with.
I look back at the girls and see them eat their food, I take up my phone and look thru Instagram.
"Ali not to be rude or anything but don't you have the money to buy some food to eat" Vilde says . I look up at her and smile "I drive a Porsche I have money believe me, I just don't like the food here" I say, and look down at my phone again.
I am really annoyed that Vilde always ask to personal questions. Like it's non of your fucking business if I eat or if I don't.
"Well you never tell us about anything and you barley eat I am just worried about you, plus you never told us what happened to your face and why you where with the penetrators" Vilde says and I look around the table and grab Eva half sandwich. And I take bite and another until there is no sandwich. It's now I feel how hungry I am, usually I don't think about so much since I have so much more to think of.
"Happy" I smile at Vilde.
And she just nod, they continue talking about the party they where this Saturday.
I feel my phone vibrate and I see that I have text from Chris.

Dick head: shit you look so pretty today<3

Me: really because I still  have these huge bruises on my face:)

Dick head: you still look like a princess<3

Me: Oh please tell your  little bimbo that btw I am a queen;)
Dick head: aww, are you a bit jealous?

Me: oh yeah totally  if that makes you sleep at night ;)

Dick head: you naked in my mind makes me sleep at night.

Me: your  bestfriend. William makes me sleep at night boo don't cry;))

Dick head: ouch.

"Ali did you hear what I even said" Sana asked annoyed.
"Sorry what" I said and looked up from my phone.
"We need to have pre drinks at your house" Sana said.
"Yeah of course I have a lot of alcohol" I smirked.
And then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and I knew this pain I was going to throw up.
I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran away from the cafeteria, and in to the bathroom.
I quickly bend down over the toilet seat and puked that little sandwich up. I felt someone hold my hair, I didn't bother look who it was since I was still throwing up.
I look up and see Chris there with a comfort smile on. What is he doing here?

"Are you okey, why are you throwing up?" Chris asks while  I am cleaning my moth with water and paper. I don't answer, I just grab my bag to take something out of my bag.
I take out the orange box with pills and take two and that's more than I usually take.
These pills made me calm after I throw up, I know they are not healthy and that I should not take them, but it's the only thing that makes me calm after I throw up. I got it form a guy when I was in Spain and I make sure I brought enough to last me a long time.
"Ali what are you taking"
"Ali are you okey!?"
"Alison" he said a little bit louder.
"WHAT" I yelled back.
"What are you taking" he said and took the box from my hand. "Stop give it back" I said trying to reach for my box of pills. He hold my hands tight and then I basically give up. He opens the box and when he see the blue pills in the box who is also known as heroin pills. He calm down and looks at me with sad eyes.
"Give it back now" I say and grab the box fast and put it back in my bag.
"Why" he asks and still standing in the same spot.
"Because life is a bitch, just because I told you about my dad and ex doesn't it mean that you know everything about me" I say and stare right in to his eyes.
"That could kill you" he says
"So do you see anyone care" I say and pack my bag pack.
"I do" for a moment he is not the penetrator Chris with that annoying smirk on his face. But I can't fall fort that wicked shit.
"Yeah sure you do, you think I believe that, I ain't dumb I know how it goes you will tell me I am not like other girls, and that I am special but that is fucking bullshit. I say and walk out of the bathroom.

Omg I am so sorry for updating so bad it just that school is eating me alive right know but I will try my best to update love you all for reading please vote and comment.


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