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Monday 15:20

"Bye girls see you tomorrow" I hug all of them except Noora and Eva since they where coming home to me.
We went to my car and I see William and Chris going to Williams car too.
It's really annoying that me and William has the same car because when my dad got it to me I was really happy, i would be the only one in school with the hottest car that also was a Porsche. And then William showed up with the same fucking car.
"Fuck no" I hear Eva say and both me and Noora look at her confused. And we look where her eyes are looking and see that William and Chris is coming toward us. "Why are you so scared" Noora asks and before she answer William and Chris are here.
"Hello babe" Chris says and put a arm around Eva.
I look at them weird and then back to William. Why the fuck is he calling her babe, and doesn't she have a fucking boyfriend. "Alison, Noora right?" William says and smirks.
"Willhelm right?" Noora says back and I just laugh.
"Chris I told you not in public, specially not at school" Eva says and takes Chris arm away.
"Uhm, excuse me but what exactly do you mean with that" Noora says and I am glad she said that because then I wouldn't need to.
"I we are, um we are l" Eva says and can't seem to finish her meaning. While me and Noora and William looks at her weird.
"We are fuck buddies" Chris says and smile at Eva while she just look down. I feel how my body is exploding in jealousy. Why do I fucking feel this way I mean William is my fuck buddy, so why do I feel jealousy and anger. I stay quiet and look down and then at Noora since she is like freaking out.
"You are what, wait aren't you still together with Jonas" Noora Asks. "Yes I am it just that i think he is cheating on me" she says and looks at all of us.
And right now in the moment I feel like I want to punch Eva at the moment. "You don't even know if he is cheating on you?" I ask and Chris just stare at me, while I still only look at Eva.
"Well I I heard Ingrid on the phone when I called him some days ago" she says in her defense.
"Where is your fucking brain Eva, maybe he wasn't cheating"  Noora said and William and I giggled. While Chris just stare with a smirk at Eva. Eva knew she fucked up. "Stop getting in to my head" Eva says annoyed.
"Yeah stop get in to her head I still want her as my F buddy" Chris says with a smirk.
Disgusting, why would he tell me he really likes me and then go and fuck my closest friend.
I know I am fucking William but I already told him I only do pleasure. But now I sort of regret it and I don't why but I usually rule the game, but it feels like he is controlling me right now. And that was a long time ago someone ever did.
"Eva why did You have to cheat on him too, just because he did it to you" Noora asked once again. "Because I did- I don't know" Eva says and looks down at her eyes. "Because she did not want it to hurt as much, right" I say and look at her. She just nod. "Girls lets go, I have some place I need to go to" I say and Noora and Eva nods.
"Hey, William I call me tonight" I say and smirk at him.
"You bet" he answer and hug me. "Bye Christoffer" I say and about to walk away from him when he grabs my hand and pull me closer to him and then whispers in my ear. "Two can play this game, and Alison I am so much better" he says and I feel him smirk. "Your right, you are a good player but in  the and I will be the one who is going to break your heart baby boy" I say and walks past him with my girls.

"Alison" I hear Chris yell to me before I get in to the car.
"Game on" he says and smirks and I smile back and get in to the car.

Short chapter but I will update more tonight. Btw I love that the call each other their full names.
love you all;)

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