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Wednesday 10:35

I knocked on my class room the door, and when my teacher Mary opened she said "glad you wanted to join class Alison"
"Sorry I am late" I said and walked to my sir next to Christoffer, "this is your third time this week" "I said I am sorry didn't I?" I looked up at her and give her a bitchy look.
"Wow Alison are you a little bit mad" Chris said and looked at me with a smirk like always. "Oh Christoffer have you ever seen me happy" I ask him and he smiles. " yeah every time I talk to you I see you smile" he says confident, I roll my eyes and look at him and say "yeah I smile because I think of all the many ways I could kill you" I say and take me notebook and opens it. "Wow you are so unlike all the girls I talk to" he says and stares at me while I am looking at the old lady Mary. "Well I ain't no bitch who is going to be all over you" I say still looking at Mary while she is talking about America. "I want you all to write about USA, and you are going to do it with a partner" Mary says. "You work with the one who is sitting next to" Mary says and I think I got deaf or something because I am not working with Chris.

"Lucas and Jennifer you will write about New York"

"Amanda and Lisa you will write about Chicago"

Alison and Christoffer you will be writing about California"
Great this can't be better I have to work with Chris and write about my favorite place in the world!
"i guess we are going have to meet up after school" Chris says smiles big. "Yeah meet me at my locker we can go to my house to study?"  I say tired of what I will have to put up to.

Wednesday 15:05

"Hello beautiful" I hear Christoffer say behind me, I close my locker and turn around to face him. "Helloo Christoffer" I say and smile at him just stares at for a long time and I say "why the fuck are you looking at like you are in love" I say and we start walking out school. "Your attitude, I love it so much" he says and laugh a little bit and so do I. 

As we walk to my car I see everyone staring at us, inclusive William and my friends. "Why is everybody staring at us?" I ask Chris.
"Because you are going in a car with the most popular guy in school" he says and opens the car door and I do the same.

We where now in front of my apartment door, I was about to take my keys out, " so California do you know anything about that place" Chris ask me "yeah I lived there"
I opened the door and see my dad. I just stare at him I can't seem to moved or say anything.
"Alison darling I am so happy too see you honey" he says and tries to hug me.
"Do not touch me Andrew" I say and then remember that Chris is right next to me. But honestly I do not care I haven't seen my dad since u was in the hospital, because right after the accident I went to Spain on a vacation and then to Norway.

"Oh come on Alison stop calling me Andrew, I am your father" he says and looks at me sadly. "Why didn't you call before you got here" I say and look at my dad. I am still in the hallway with Chris. "I thought you would like to be surprised, and I see you brought a friend home" he says and looks at Chris. "I am Andrew smith Alison father" he says and shakes Chris hand. "Nice to meet you mr smith, I am Christoffer" I look at Chris and then back to my dad.

"Well Andrew you thought wrong I want you to leave, now" I say with no emotion, " Alison honey I misse-"
"Leave now we can talk some other day" I say and my dad take his bag en leaves the house.

"Sorry you had to see that I am not so good with my dad" I apologize to Chris.
"No, its okey do you want to talk about it?"
I am just standing there and I am just looking at the floor, I feel my eyes tear up and a tears slipped down my cheek. I quickly look up and Chris takes me in a big huge.
"Hey don't cry you know you can talk to me"
And then I realize what he was doing. He did just like Aron did to me, he was being all kind and nice saying he was going to be there for me. I quickly push him away from me, "you can't fool me" I say and laugh little bit. "What do you mean?" He said confused. "Oh come on stop acting dum I know you are being nice to so I can sleep with you because you are fuckboy"
"Is that how you think of me that I am just being nice because I wanna sleep with you, no I am being nice because I care about you and feel sorry for you" he says and I still not going to fall for it, "why do you care about me, when I don't give a shit about you" I say and he just looks at me and takes his stuff hand go out the house.

I am really happy that I update so much today!!

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