Twenty five

778 17 0

Friday 19:03

Me and Chris where where sitting in his car on our way home.
I can't believe how heartless his parents was, now I know why he always acted a special way when we talked about his parents. If My mom would been like his mom I rather have her dead.

I looked at Chris while he was driving, his eyes where on the road andhe clenched his jaw. I know he said I don't care about what they said, but I knew his thoughts where killing him because I am just like that too.

"Why are you starring at me Alison" he said still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Why do you always call me by my full name, I have told you so many times to call me Ali just" I asked. I hate when he calls me my full name, it just brings up bad memory's.

"Why do you always call me by my full name" he asked then.

"Because everyone knows Chris schistad, the penetrator Chris aka fuckboys douchebag and shit like that.
While I know Christoffer schistad the boy that is kind,loving and caring, who helped through so much and are also the boy that I love very much.
I said and I was holding his hand now, and I mean it every word I love him more then anything we have only been together for two months but I do love him. He has helped more then anyone else have ever done. I ask myself everyday what I did to get a boy like him. He fixed me I couldn't love anyone for a long time not even myself and now I love him and myself.

"I fucking love you so god damn much Alison smith" Chris says and every time he says he loved me it feels like the first time. And I haven't even notice that we where in front of my house by now, and the party the girls had fix where still up.
Chris pulled my face close to his and our lips where millimeters away.
And where both we just looking at each other.

"Promise you will never leave me even if something really bad happens" Chris says. I don't know why but it feels like he knows something bad is happing, but at the moment I don't care he is the only reason I smile these days and I am happy for the first time, he makes me happy.

"I promise Christoffer" I say and kiss him on the lips. I pull away and says "wanna go and party?" I smile. And as a answer he nods and we step out of the car.

I knowwwww this is like four pages but more comes tonight I just want to tease you all.
Loveeee uuuu all.

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