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Friday 22:47

As the girls where dancing, I decide to to go and get a drink.
I look at all the beers and then look at the bottle to see which one of these have more alcohol.
It's been a hard week, I broke down and let my feelings out. For who? For Christoffer Schistad the king of the players.
But he told a lot about what happened to himself, and in the ending we where pretty much the exactly same.

Two broken teenagers that can't love again. "What are you doing" I look up and see William standing in front of me. "Do you know which one of these can make forget the night" I ask him and looks at me and then looks back at the bear. "The right one, drink six bottles of that one and you will forget this night completely"
I smile and opens in take a big chug almost half of it.
"Wow Ali maybe you should take it easy" William says and comes at me to make sit down.
"You don't what of a hella week it's been" I say and drink the whole beer.

"Hey do you have a cigarette" I ask William and he nods. He takes my hand and go upstairs at this apartment. And when we where upstairs he opens a door who is this house rooftop.
He gives me a cigarette and a lighter, "do you even smoke Ali?" William ask while he is lighting both of our cigarettes.
"Yeah, I started to just Make
my dad mad, but then I kinda got addicted to it" I say and blow out the smoke.
"Why are you sitting here with me and asks about me depression life, while any girl would die for you" I say and just stares at the view.
"I don't know something about keeps dragging me to you"
And for some weird way I think of Chris. I won't tell William about my past because somehow i feel like Chris should be the only one to know this.
"is this your apartment" i ask.
"Yeah me and Chris both lives here" he says and I just think of Chris and some kinda wish he was here instead of William.
"Alison I really like you, I never felt this way for any girl since I always just sleeps with them" William says and for a moment I think of what I am getting myself into. I look at him and I grab his neck and kiss him passionately. I didn't feel anything when I kissed him, no sparks, no butterflies it was empty. Our kiss didn't break instead it got more intensive, we got up from sitting on the rooftop. He then once again grabbed my hand and pulled me in a room, I looked around the room and saw a king sized bed. Honestly at this moment I didn't care if I where going to sleep with William, I need pleasure, I have been craving it for the last Five months.
"Is this your room" I ask William and we just stare at each other "yes it is" he says and he grabbed neck and we start making out again. I push him down in the bed and we both just smirk.
He then take off his shirt and I go to his bare chest and I kiss his chest down, "my game, my rules" I then go back to kissing his lips. I make sure I mark his neck with some hickeys and he sure did that too.
"Are you sure you want to this" William asks me which made me think that he actually cares, to bad I don't.
"If I sleep with you now it's not going to mean anything just like a one night stand except that I will be seeing you in school" I say, and he nods.
and with that the pleasure is mine.

Okeyyyyy things are getting hot in this fanfic and she just slept with William who is Chris bestfriend and we both know Chris like her;)

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