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Wednesday 14:28
I was in the bathroom in school washing my hands. I heard one of the toilet flush and a pretty girl in long brown hair came out of the bathroom. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. And went to wash her hands to. "You are the girl that roasted the shit out of William, the American girl right?" She says and looks at me in the mirror.
"The American girl?" I ask pretty offended because I have a fucking name. "Yeah you are from California, and you have a pretty bad ass attitude" she says and grab some paper. "Well I have a fucking name" I smile at her. "No need to be rude, I am Iben by the way I wanted to invite you and your buss to a my party" she smiles at me and I like her, her attitude remind me of myself because she was still calm even tho I was rude.
"I am Alison but call me Ali, I will tell my buss" I say to her.
We exchange number and then say goodbye. I liked her a lot I feel like we could be really good friend she reminded me of my best friend Carrie a lot.
And myself.

I walk to the girls that are sitting in the cafeteria.
"Whats poppinggg" I say and all five girls attention goes to me. "Hey Ali" female Chris says. "Guess what Russ buss are going to a party this Friday" I say and smirk at the girls. "No way we are going to a party who invited us" Vilde asks with the biggest smile on her lips. "I just meet her, and her name is Iben and she is really nice" I say and Eva and Noora chuckles. "Iben as penetrator Chris Iben" Eva says. "What do you mean" I say confused. "You didn't know?" Sana says. "Know what?!" I say and starting to get Irritated. "Iben is Chris girlfriend, and they have been dating for two years" Vilde says.
I felt like a knife just stapled me in my stomach, he has a girlfriend? 2 years? So many questions where running through my head. All the things he did and said to me. When he said he liked me, when I told him about my past, when I got beat up, when he kissed me when I had a panic attack, oh my god we fucking slept together. And all this time he had a girlfriend. And the thing is that they been together for two years. "yeah and it's so sad because there is a rumor going on that Chris have a sex buddy, and Iben just heard the rumor" Sana said. I feel my heart beat faster, who the fuck knows about this. I know I made it clear to Chris what would happens if he told anyone. "Guys I have to go and pick up my step sister in the airport in 30 minutes so I have to go see you tomorrow if I don't get arrested for murdering my her" I say smile and wave them goodbye.

I am sitting in the car outside the airport waiting for that little whore Caroline to come. She was going to stay here with me for three days. I still can't believe that Chris have a girlfriend and that they where together for 2 years. Didn't his girlfriend die in a car crash one and half year ago? And the fact that he has cheated on Iben multiplies time is crazy, and I feel so bad for her. I get interrupt by someten taking a seat in my car. "Hello sister" she smiles at me. " Caroline we are not sisters" I cold say back and start driving to home.

"Why did you even come here" I ask her. And she looks at me while I am driving. "You may not believe me but I am really sorry" she says and I don't know how to feel about that, it feels like she is saying the truth, but what if she's only doing that so she can hurt me again. "whatever" I say cold and keeping my eyes on the road. "I am not lying I didn't know you leaving would make things so boring" she says.
"Like my mom and your dad is always on trips or eating dinner out and when they are home all the do is having sex" I cringe so bad when she says the last part, I do feel a little bit sorry for her I am mean I know what she is going through. "What about Aron?" I ask her, and Aron was my boyfriend until he cheated on me with her.
"Aron sort of stared getting abusive, he would always hit me or some times force me to have sex with him so I ended things" and I can feel pain in her voice how hurt and scared she was. I stop the car not thinking if we have cars behind us. "What!?" I say and look at her and I see her eyes starting to tear up. "I tried to tell mom but she says that I am only stupid for thinking he would to something like that"
" I know we have some bad blood between us but nobody deserves to be threaten like that" I say and hold her hand.
" I am really sorry, I came here to be away from all the crazy shit home, and to be with somebody that would understand me. " I gave her a nod and then smile at her.
"hey you could stay here a little longer" I say and smile.

I updated yayyyyyy short but I will probably update tomorrow too. Hey comment if you guys want more of Chris perspective!!!

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