Twenty two

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Tuesday 10:48

Me and the girls where sitting outside school, its the beginning of October and the cold is coming slightly.

"Does it hurt?" Vilde asks and touch my black eye.
"Ow,ow,ow" I say and she drag her hand back. "Sorry" she whispers. And the girls laugh.
I am glad the didn't get hurt as much as I did. My nose stared to bleed and I got a huge black eye. It's fucking great ever since I talked to Chris I gotten beaten up two times, yakuza and Iben.
"Hey me and Caroline are hosting a party this Friday" I say to the girls.
"You are?" Sana says with a confused look.
"Yeah I am sick of going to people's party I want to have my own" I say and smile.
"Where is Caroline by the way?" Eva ask.
"She is sick, sort of" I say and laugh a little bit. And so does the girls too.
"Let me guess she was to tired" Nora says and I nod.
"Hey I got to go my lesson start in like five minutes and my teacher will cut my head of if I come late again" I say and start going to my classroom.

I go in to my English AP class and sit at my seat. As I open my books someone grabs my hand. I look up and see the one and only. Christoffer.

"What the fuck do you want" I ask him. And as I look up at him he sees my black eye and his smirk goes away fast and a worried look is there now.
"I didn't know you got that hurt" he says and sit down next to me, still looking at my eye.
"Aw, why would you feel bad?" I say bitchig.
"I am already worried" he says and I look in his eyes, and at a moment I see that he isn't lying and we just stayed quiet. And just looking at each other, until I broke the silence.

"Well you should see the other girl" I say and smile, Chris worried face goes to a happy smile and a chuckle.

The bell rang and I was about to go, when somebody grabbed my arm. "Please let me show you I can be good for you" Chris says and has the most serious face on, no smile or smirk. "And how are you suppose to do that" I say.
"Let me take you on a date" he says and I almost choke.
"Date?!, me?!, I do not think so.." I say and start to walk out of the classroom. And Chris catches up with me in the hallway.

"Why do you want to take me out?" I ask.
"Are you after or something? I fucking like you is it that hard for you to understand that" he says and I stop in the center of the hallway and so does he.
"Okey" I simply say.
"Okey what?" He ask.
"Okey I go on a date with you" I say.
"You won't regret it! I pick you up at seven tonight!" He says and kiss my cheek and leaves me standing in the center of hallway.

Tuesday 19:02

I get a text from Chris saying he is outside. I grab my little bag and my phone.
"Bye Caroline!" I scream and close the door before she answers. I see Chris standing beside his car and looking down at his phone. When he notice me he come towards me and kiss my cheek.
"You look incredible" he says and smile.
"First and last time I say this to you, you don't look bad yourself" I say and smile and he laughs. He opens the car door for me and then go to the other side to go in the car too.

"Where are we going Christoffer?" I ask.
"We are going to my favorite restaurant" he says and smiles and stare at the road. I just look outside the window the whole car ride, there was only silence in the car, not a awkward silence just silence. I am so happy I finally can start to eat again I can't eat a lot because then I will just throw up. But it's better then nothing, while I am still thinking of my eating disorder. "We are here" he says and wakes me up from my thoughts. I look up and I just stare at the place without saying a word. I get out of the car and stand in front of the restaurant still in chock of where we where at the moment.

"Why did you take me here" I almost whisper.
" I have eaten here since I was a kid it's my favorite place" he says and looks at me.
"This was me and my mom favorite place, we used to come here every Saturday and eat dinner here" I say and tears start to build up because of the memories. I blink fast many times so that I don't need to cry. I then feel someone grab my hand. I look down and see mine and Chris hand together. Sparks,explosion,fireworks, butterflies everything when his skin touched mine. I smile at our hand and then we go in to the restaurant.

"Which one is your favorite" he ask as we both look down at the menu.
"Mine is definitely number seven" I say and look up to face him.
"No way, that is my favorite" he says and I laugh.
"Oh, then I guess we have something in common we both like the same meal" I say and smile at him.
"And we both are heartless" he says and smile.
"Omg wow, it's like we are meant to be" I say in a very sarcastic voice. And Chris just laugh.

"Hello, can I take your order"? A young girl says and ask me and Chris. Well it's more like just Chris, the way she looked at him was like she was going to eat him up. Bitch.
"Yes we both have number seven" Chris says and smile at her. Really he want me to give him a chance but I just love how he is flirting with her, I roll my eyes at Both of them.
"What drink do you want" she asks him and smile like she is the happiest bitch alive.
"Just one coke please"  Chris says and smile back at her.
"And I would li-" I say but get cut off by her walking away from our table. I groan loudly and look back at Chris and he just laugh.
"Excuse me" he shouts back to the waitress. She turn around with the big ugly smile and comes back to the table.
"Need anything else" she says and only looks at Chris.
"Yeah you forgot to ask my girlfriend what she wants for drink" he says smiling at her.
I am in shock of what Christoffer just said, but I don't change it let that bitch know that he ain't here alone.
She turn around to me and smile at me obviously a fake smile.
"Oh it's no big deal but I take the same as my boyfriend" I say and smile and she just nod and walk away.

"Girlfriend really?" I say and smirk.
"Boyfriend really?" He says. And I just smile at him and blush like a fool.
"You like me" he says confident.
"Oh boy don't forget that you like me more.

It's true, I like you a lot, this is the only side of her face that's not beaten up;)

@Chrisshistad:It's true, I like you a lot, this is the only side of her face that's not beaten up;)

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3,4K likes 23 comments.
@williammagnusson: dude you are so lucky.

@evamohn: I swear to god hurt her and I hurt you;)

@noorasætre: ^

@vildee: ^^

@sanabakoush: ^^^

@sandra.V: you're still single right call me;)

@caroliesmith: ^I will cut off your tits:)<3

@Alisonsmith: I like you 0,001% sort of;)


We where sitting in Chris car driving back home to me, and for the first time I didn't care that I where getting feelings for Chris because it felt really good, I was happy and I haven't been happy for a very long time. Every time I was around him he would make my day little bit happier and as more we hang out the happier it got.
I never thought that I could feel love ever again after the last time, but maybe Chris was meaning it when he said he wouldn't hurt me.

He pulled up to my house and parked in front of the door.
"I had really good time tonight" I said and smiled.
"Then I have accomplished my goal" he says and smile. I kiss his cheek and opens the car for and before I step out of the car I turn back to him.
"Hey do You wanna stay over my house tonight?" I ask him.
"I thought you never ask" he says and steps out of the car with me.

Hey guys I just saw that I almost have 1k readers I am sooooo happy the story isn't quite done yet I have a very big thing coming up since prepared. Love u all so so much!!!

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