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Thursday 13:07

Today I skipped school I though that I would spend day with Caroline since she was very sad yesterday, I can't believe that Aron did that to her and that her mom and my dad didn't give a shit about her. I know what she did to me was bad still no one deserves what she is going through.
"Hey I want to buy a new car" I say and she looks at me surprised. "Ehm,what's wrong with the car you have now its hot as fuck" she says and laugh a little bit.
"I know but I douche I know have the same one, and I want to be different, you know" I say and she smiles. "Well what are you going to do with the car you have now?" I mean if you stay here with me we got to have two cars right" I say and smirk at her. She stand up and run and jump at me. "Really can I stay!?" She smiles and laughs and scream at the time.
"Yessss, well I mean if you want to" I say and laugh at her.
" uhm daaaa! Yeah of course I want to stay here with you I need to get the fuck out of the at hell house" she says. It's weird how I went from wanting to kill her to the fact that she is actually going to live with here in Norway.
"Okey let's go and buy us a new car" I say.
I decided that I would want to post a picture at Instagram if me and Caroline as we where getting ready.

@alisonsmith: it's crazy I wanted to stab you with a knife two days ago and now I am grateful for having you as a roommate<3

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@alisonsmith: it's crazy I wanted to stab you with a knife two days ago and now I am grateful for having you as a roommate<3

1,5k likes and 10 comments

Aww, babe couldn't be happier;)

<33 @carolinee

@noorasætre: dude why aren't you in school?

@alisonsmith: I stayed home today really sick of some people at school and wanted to spend time with my girl;)

@aronryan: damn why couldn't I have both of you.

@alisonsmith: aww boo sad much? Reminder say our names and I will fucking snitch.

There is two of you? Do you have a twin sister or what?

@alisonamith: nope only a sister:)

@chrisschistad: can you answer your phone?!?

@alisonsmith: what is a phone?


"Caroline omg look at that one" I say and point at the car I fall in love with. "Damn its hot car" she says and smile evilly at me. "Excuse me can we get some help?" Caroline ask a young guy in the car store.
"Yes ma'm what can I help you with" he says and looks at Caroline. "We want to buy that car" she says and we where standing in front of the car.
"Sorry, but I don't think you can afford this car" he says and smile awkwardly. I rise my eyebrow and I am just starting at him. "Honey we can afford you too if we want to buy you" I say and smile at him. And Caroline chuckles a bit.

We where sitting in our new car and driving to McDonald's, I told Caroline about how I can't eat anything these days without throwing up. And she told me that I have to eat and hold it in even though I want to throw up.
"So is there a special boy in your life?" Caroline asks and I can almost swear that she have a smirk on her face.
"Well it was sort of. I mean I stared to like him and we got really close he is just like me when it comes to love" I say and quickly look at her and then back at road. "So you guys are still a thing?" She ask.
"Oh god no you know we where um fuck buddy's and then said he really likes me and shit stuff like that but, yesterday my friends told me ha has a girlfriend" I say and I am still confused. Why didn't he tell me has a girlfriend before he stared things with me I am just glad that I didn't get too many feelings. "Oh he is a douches, got it" she says and laughs a bit. "Yeah and he has been with her two years and I fell really guilty for his girlfriend" I say. And we had arrived at McDonald's.

We step out of the car and go to the line. Caroline ordered a meal while I just ordered a ice cream and some fries. Baby steps with all the food I thought to myself. As we go to sit down I see someone who I didn't want see. "Fuck" I said. "What" Caroline looks at me confused.
"Remember that boy I talked about?" I say. "He is fucking  here" I said once again. "Omg where is he?" She said a bit louder and she starts looking around until she gets an eye contact with both Chris and William. "Shut the fuck up and stop starring Caroline" I say and kick her foot under the table. "Fucking balls please tell me it's them" she says and smile horny back. "Yeah it's fucking them now stop talking so loud" I say. I see Chris and William get up and walking their way to us.

"Alison" Williams says and take a seat next to me and Chris sits next to Caroline.
"Rapunzel what's up" I say to him and he just laugh. "Why don't you answer your phone?" Chris says and looks at me serious. "Oh I have been busy texting my new good friend Iben" I say and stare at him and William chuckles next to me.
"Shit" he says and looks down.
"Well this just got Awkward, I am Caroline Ali's step sister" Caroline says and grabs a fries.
And look at both William and Chris. Chris give me a strange look that I get because I always told him how we hated each other. "Well we got to go you know the thing we have to do" I say and get up. "What thing?"
Caroline asks me. "We don't really have anything to do I just don't want to be around these two" I say and look at them all.
And me care go to the car and as we sit in the car Caroline says "hot balls they where hot" I laugh and just smile.
"Yeah I know" I say and look back at the road.

Omg Caroline and Alison are friend or more like sisters that's good I hope the will stay like that.

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