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Sunday 21:30

I was at a party with Eva. Jonas and Isak known some guy who had this huge party. I am sitting on a table and I look around at all the teenagers who is dancing, drinking and making out. I didn't feel to go to a party for the first time ever. I wasn't in the mood for hooking up with guys I did not know, which is really weird since that is the only thing I do. The music was so load that my head start to hurt and I wasn't even drunk.
I go out to smoke a cigarette, I take the deadly thing out the box and put it between my lips.
I light it on and breath in the poison.

The whole night have I been only thinking about one thing.
One person. Christoffer, he was the only thing I thinking about right now this moment.
Then I see someone from the party come out and is now walking towards me. It's a boy I have never seen before, he then comes closer and I see smirk on his face. And before I could ask anything or move.
He punches me right in the face, and everything just gets black.

I open my eyes and feel a terrible pain in my eyes. I then notice I'm stuck in a chair with ropes all around my body.
"The princess is awake" someone said. I couldn't see a shit it was pitch black, and then the lights turn on. And I see Chris and three other boys from the penetrators. Sitting in a chair just like me.

"Don't fucking touch her" Chris screams and looks at the guy who punched me in the face. I look at Chris and see how bloody his face is I give him a small smile to let him know I am okey.

"I won't hurt her that bad if you tell me where William is" the guy says to Chris and walks up to me. He then take his hand and put It on my chin.
"Well aren't you beautiful" he says and without answering I spit on his face.
He looks at me surprised and then speaks again.
"You shouldn't do that" he smiles.
"I swear to god I don't know where William is do not fucking hurt her" Chris screams once again.
" I do not believe you schistad, you see I don't like what William did to my friend last week" the guy says and turn around and slapped me, memories came back of when my father did it once.
"Do not fucking touch her" I hear Chris scream.
"Where is William Schistad one last chance or I beat the fuck out of your lil girlfriend, or didn't she sleep with William?" He laughed and guilt field my body because I know how Chris felt about me.
"I love how you always play with girl but she, she is playing you she is worth keeping well if she lives after this he says"
And everything just went black and I only could hear Chris scream No.

I am so sorry for updating so late, but school stared again this week again so I have like no time:( but please like comment and share because it gives so much motivation to write more<33


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