Twenty four

885 17 1

Friday 15:35

"So what time is your party?" Female Chris ask. While we all where walking out from school.

"Oh shit guys I totally forgot I promised Chris I would go to a dinner with him and his family" I say and look at them all while they are giving me "the are you kidding me look"

"Sorry I forgot" I say and try to sound cute and all that shit.c

"But you, whatever next time"
Vilde says disappointed.

"Hey, girls you do know me and Alison lives in the same apartment, I could have the party" Caroline say and smile to the girls who shines up in one second.

"You are the best Caroline" Vilde say.

"Yeah I know girls, but you guys have to help me fix some alcohol" Caroline says.

She right we don't have any Alcohol home which is very weird since I always have something home.

"Okey let go I know someone that could fix us some" Female Chris says. Sana, Chris, Vilde and Caroline goes another way. While me Eva and Noora are walking towards my car.

"Gosh, I want to marry your car so bad" Noora says and laugh. And so does me and Eva.

"No for real like it's even hotter then William" she says and get in the car.

"That I can't protest to" I say and laugh.

"So why are you going to a dinner with Chris family?" Eva ask.

"Uhm, they are only here for some days and they wanted to meet Chris and he is very nervous about it, and I asked if he wanted me there and he Said yes" i say and keep my eyes on the road.

"You too are getting pretty serious, I mean he was with Iben for two years and she never meet his parents."
Wow two years? And she never meet them I have been with him for three weeks and I am already going for a dinner with them. I must really mean a lot for him. Which makes me happy because he means a lot for me too I don't Chris to be one of those Exes you have, to be honest I don't want him to be a ex at all.

"Well he said he loved me. I said and and Eva and Noora Almost made me deaf by their screaming and laughing at the same time.

"DID YOU SAY IT BACK?!" Eva screams in my ear.

"Chill, I said it back" I say and their scream just gets higher.
I laugh at both of their reactions.

Friday 18:30

I look at myself one last time before I go out. I hear the girls downstairs laugh and listing to music since they where preparing for the party the would have. My attention goes to my phone. I got a text from Chris saying he is outside. I grab my purse and go downstairs.

"Oh my god you look so pretty" Caroline says when I come downstairs and all the girls nod.

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