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Saturday 13:55

I was right now sitting on my knees in the bathroom throwing up. I felt my eyes tears because that was how much pain I was in. I should really check that up, but whatever.

I get up to wash my mouth, and I quickly go to My living Room to grab my pills that where on the table. I open the little box and take to pills out, I know they are very dangerous I mean it's heroin but in pills. But it's the only think that calm me a bit. I put the tablets in my moth and a sip of water. And then the doorbell ring.

I go to the door and when I open it there he is. The king of fuckboys, Chris schistad. There he is right in front of me, I feel kinda weird like my stomach flips, maybe I need to throw up again or is it because of Chris? Yeah i will probably throw it makes more sense.

"Hey" Chris says and smile big.
"What are you doing here?" I say bitter and walk back to my living room as Chris follows and close the outdoor.

"Well we have a English essay we have to do, remember about California" he says and smile. I look at him and see that he is carrying a plastic bag. 
"Oh fuck I totally forgot about that shit" I say and he laughs a little bit, god why is he's laugh so damn cute.

"Oh I brought food" he says and holds up the bag.
Fuck, fuck, fuck that means I have to eat and we all know what happens when I eat.
"Uhm, I am not hungry, but thanks anyways" I say and smile.
"Oh, come on it's Thai food you will love it!" He says and look at me.
"I guess a I can taste it" I say and walk to the kitchen with Chris right behind me.

We where sitting down eating the Thai food and right know nothing happend with my stomach, maybe nothing would happen this time.

"Damn you where a savage to William that day" he says and laughs a little bit.
"I bet you got so happy when I said were not f buddy's anymore"  I say and smirk at him.
And he just look at me, and then the smirk comes on his face as always.
"I got so happy I even ended mine with Eva" he says and eats a bit of his food.
"No way, really?!" I say in shock I mean I knew he liked me but the biggest fuckboi just ended things with his fuck buddy.
"Oh come on I didn't like her anyways I did just because you did it with William" Chris says.
"Oh, well you where the one who said you like me and shit and then go around fucking and making out with other girls" I say simply taking a bite of the chicken that was in my Thai mix.
He didn't say anything just looked down at his food with a little smile on. And that when the pain hit me in my stomach, fuck I was going to throw up. I quickly ran to the toilet and got on my knees to throw it all up what I just eat. Chris is holding my hair, and all I think of is how I am about to explain to him why I throw up so much. I wash my mouth like always and take a mint tablet.

"Alison why are you throwing up so much?"
"Non of your fucking business" I snap back at him.
"Alison are you okey?" He says
I go the living room to take my damn pills again. And when I am about to open the box my Hands are shaking, and I can't open the box which makes me groan loud. I then feel two hands take away the box from my hands.

"Please don't take them" I say and look at my shaking Hands and I feel my eyes water up. I hate to cry in front of him but I can't take the pain away without those pills. I need them.

"Why are you throwing up so much?" He says and grabs my shakily hands and puts them in his. I feel my body sparkle by his touch, every nerve in my body is screaming by his touch only.

"I- I don't know I just can't seem to eat without throwing up and those pills are the only thing that helps me.

"Why haven't you meet a doctor" Chris says and now I was in his arms, my head on his chest. And I could feel his heart beating so calm, while I thought mine would jump out of my chest.
"Because the will have to contact my dad since I am not eighteen, and I do not want to meet him" I say and I feel my nerves calming down as he puts his hand on my head and kisses my head sightly. And my heart is know beating the same beat as his heart. Maybe I didn't need the pills to calm down, maybe I just needed someone. And in this moment I knew that someone was Christoffer.

Monday 14:56

I was sitting alone outside school my class has ended way more sooner then the girls. So I was waiting for them. I felt my phone vibrate, and saw that I have a message from Chris.

Chris: gosh, I can't wait to touch you again.

Me: Oh please I bet you Already have fucked another girl between your classes.

Chris: yeah but she wasn't you for sure.

Me:Do not tell anyone what we are or else I will cut your balls of;)

Chris: oh my god you're so good at flirting, after school;))?

Me: you bet baby boy;)

Chris: I fucking love it when you call me that it just so odd baby girl;)

Me: I guess baby girl and baby boy is our okey:)

Chris: no baby girl is way more then that<3

Me: ew I was just joking please stop with all these lovie dovie shit.

Chris: why so mad baby girl, miss me much?

Me: ha! You wish baby boy.


Yeah so me and Chris are Buddies now. With no feelings at all jus sex.
Because I where not going to give my heart to anybody this time not even Chris that I know I like. And we can also sleep with who ever the fuck we want. I did not want to sleep with anyone else then Chris but he sure had just fucked a girl in the bathroom.

"Alisonnnnnn" I turned around to face the boy who just said my name.
"Christofferrrrr" I say back and just smile and was going to hug me when I pulled away and started walking to the car. Since Chris stayed over last night he drove us to school, so he was going to take me home to. I jump in the car and put my seatbelt on, and text the girls that I didn't want to wait so I would just go home.

"Alison why are you Mad and sad" Chris asked.
"Because My fucking step sister is coming here to Norway to visit me, and I am thinking of all the ways I can kill her" I say and just the thought of her near me makes me wanna kill her.
"Oh shit, why is she coming here" he asks confused.
"Because she wants to spent time with me and say sorry for what she did" I say and look out the car window. 
"Well maybe she wants to make things up" Chris says and I look at him like he would be crazy or something.
"Are you on drugs?" I ask him and he just laugh.
"No actually you are the one that on drugs" he says and laugh and it makes me laugh a little bit.
"Ha! Who is a savage now!" Chris says and laughs.
And I just look at him with a huge smile on my lips.

Hope you all like it love u!!!


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