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Tuesday 8:15

I was sitting in the car outside Eva's house, waiting for her to come out so we could go to school. Yesterday when school was over I told her I could pick her up in the mornings to drive her to school. "Hey girl" Eva said and jumped in the car. "What's upppp" I said and she looked around in the car. "Your car is really hot" she said and looked at me while I was having my eyes on the road, "do you think my car is hot" I said and laughed a little bit.
" uhm yeah if I where not with Jonas I would date your car for sure" she said and laughed. My car is actually really hot as ever say, it's a black Porsche, it only have two doors but still five people can fit in it. "Wait" Eva said and looked at me, "what is it" i asked confused. " you are not even 18 why do drive and how can you drive" she said and looked at me like I was crazy.
"You know I californiana you can drive when you are 16 and I kinda convinced my dad to buy me car or I would be a pain in the ass to his wife's daughter" I said and smiled evilly. "Not to be rude or anything, but are you rich because these car are hella expensive" she said "yeah my dad has his own company in California which is a really huge company" I said and thinking about how he only cares about his company and his new family, and how he  give me money all the time just to get rid of me. I parked my car in front of the school, and there was a sign that said "DO NOT PARK HERE" I looked at it and Parked it where it said to not do. " Ali you should not park here" Eva said and looked me like I did not know that I couldn't. "Oh, I know I can't I just don't care" I said and looked at her and smiled. We stepped out of the car and before we could go someone said "What do you think you are doing" I turned around and face William and Chris, who stand next to a black Porsche exactly like Mine. "You know, this where my car I always parked" William said and smirked. " as you can see my car is there instead" i said and looked at them both. "Come on let's go Eva" I say and beginning to walk away. And then I hear William say "you are not even supposed to drive" "and you are not even supposed to talk to me" I say back without Turning back. And me and Eva walks into the school.

Tuesday 12:40
It was lunch time and I hated because I know Eva would ask again why I don't eat, and it makes her suspect why I do not eat. So I decided to buy a salad and hopefully I would not throw up.
Me and Eva was sitting at a table and both of us had salad.
"So what's up with the two guys this morning" "do u know them" she then asked again. " no I don't well one of them goes in my AP English and the other one is just annoying"
I said and she giggles a bit, "the one with short hair-" she says but get cut of by two girls who is standing next to us. " hi I am Vilde and this is Chris" she says and Chris takes her lollipop out and says "what's up"  me and Eva just smiled at both of them and then the blonde girl Vilde continues talking. "So are you two in a Russ buss" she says and stares at us crazy "ehm, no" Eva says.
"Great! We have one and we would like you two to join us in our buss" we have a meeting tonight at my place, and there will be vine and snacks and we can get to know each other!" She says exited. "Yeah, sure I guess we can come" I say and look at Eva and she nods. "Great see you there" and walks away from us.
"Wtf is a Russ buss" I ask Eva as soon they are gone. "You just said we are going to be in there buss and you don't even know what a Russ buss is" she says and looks at me like I am stupid and then start to laugh, and so do I.

Hope u like it!

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