Twnety two

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@alisonsmith: aw I look really cute here but too bad my personality I is really not cute;)

@alisonsmith: aw I look really cute here but too bad my personality I is really not cute;)

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Friday 23:55

My apartment was full of people from my school and some of them I didn't even know and some of them just wanted to be friend with me because I was currently the "it girl". I grabbed a beer and looked over to the dance floor to see if my friends where there and I saw Eva and Caroline dancing in the middle of dance floor. And they where hot af there bodies grinding on each others the where defiantly drunk.
And so was I my heart and head was full of mixed felling about a boy. A boy  named Christoffer schistad. He gave me so different signs and my head couldn't take it so this part was very needed. I do t want to get feelings for him because I know what will happened, I will at the end get hurt because that the only thing that always happens to me. I take my beer and go to the dance floor, the girls sees me and then pulled me into their little circle that everyone one was watching. I am between Eva and Caroline and our bodies grinding on each other's. At this moment there is nothing on my mind just alcohol running through my veins and fucking up my mind even more. I then start making out with Eva and then change to Caroline. After a while I am getting tired of dancing and making out so I pull away and go to my bedroom. I open my mouth and see a couple in my bed. And the couple is no other then Christoffer and some bimbo.
"Get out" I say coldly, and the couples attention goes to me. I hear the girl groans and I look at them both and that's when Chris beautiful brown eyes meet mine. And his eyes softens and just look right in to my eyes because he know that he broke that "give me one chance".
The girl gets out and I am alone in my bedroom with Chris. To be honest I would lie if I said that I didn't hurt me a bit that I saw him with that girl. It was like there was something in my brain and heart that said the he would might change. And maybe I could finally be happy, but I was too dumb. I go to my table to grab my cigarette packet and take one out. I open a window and stand in front of it and inhale the smoke. I feel Chris breath in the back of my neck. I feel my body shivers by only his breaths touching my skin,

oh god what is this boy doing to me?

"Give you a chance" I say and laugh a little bit.

"I did because you make out with William" he says and I turn to face him.

"What's up with people this days, just because someone did something stupid Doesn't mean that you have to the same thing" I say and look right in to his eyes and he into mine.

"So what, making out with William was stupid?" He says backfiring my words.

"Yes it was stupid!" I say louder and hold my cigarette around my fingers tighter because he take one more step closer.

"Why was it stupid Alison?" He says and smirk a little bit and I groan.

"Because I fucking like you, but I can't le-" and with that he cut me off by connecting his lips to mine. My body is screaming and I don't have the strength to pull away, and I don't even want to. The kids get more intense and throw the cigarette out of the window behind me and my hands go to his t-shirt that I pull away fast,and he does the same to me.

I push him down to the bed and he gets right on top me, where both shirtless in the bed and making out and we both know where this is going.
He kisses my stomach and then stop when he sees my huge scar on my stomach.

"Is this from when you tried to kill yourself" he says.

I don't say anything I get away from him and grab shirt and put I back on. Every other times we had sex I always should keep my shirt on. But I felt uncomfortable now that he saw it.
I open the door and go out but he quickly takes my hand and grab me inside and close the door. My back was pressed against the door.

"Don't go please" he says and my body is screaming of his words.

"Let me love you don't be afraid, because you should know I am afraid too but something about you is always dragging me to you even when I tell myself that you don't even like me" he says and breath out.

I open my mouth to say something but he interrupts me.
"I won't hurt you, I promise that I will change" Chris says.

Alison think what does your heart says I ask myself. My heart is crying every time I reject Chris or being mean to him. But my head says good job don't let him in. But my heart hurts more than my head and with that I pull Chris to me, and our lips are connected once again.

"Promise?" I say and stop from kissing him passionately.

"I promise" he says and smiles and so does I.

Omggg finally they are finally together.
I would like you guys to comment abour what you think of my story is it good or not?

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Luv you all babes<33


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