Twenty seven

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Words can't describe how much I hate love. Love has caused me so much pain, I had a special love with my mother but it left me. I had a special love with my father but it left me too.
I had love with my ex boyfriend in California, but he ended up cheating on me, and there did that love go to.

I had Christoffer, well at least I thought that. I loved him more than myself, more then anyone else. And I thought he loved me too, but for him I was just a bet. I was happy, I smiled everyday without even faking it, do you know how good that felt. Now I am thinking if I will ever be available to smile ever again.
My eyes stings because I've cried so much today. 1 hour ago I was the most confident girl. I just had sex with my boyfriends best friend because I thought he cheated on me. And now I am siting here felling worthless.

I told him every thing about myself, I let him in, I let him see the broken Alison smith,who then he fixed and know she is back at where she stared.
I need to know, I need to talk to Chris, is it true? Please god tell me this is some crazy shit William just said to fool me.

I looked myself in the mirror, I looked dead, red eyes, red cheeks and a red nose. I grabbed my purse and key and closed my apartment door, and made my way towards my car.

I was now sitting in my car outside Chris house. I felt like I was going to get a heart attack because my heart were beating so fast.

I got out of the car and I where now standing in front his porch, I rang the bell and waited for the door to open.
And when the door finally op ed my heart dropped to the floor as I saw Iben standing in front of me. She just looked at me surprised. Anger rushed through my body and my veins was going to pop out of my body. I walk through her and made sure I pushed her bit and I made my way to Chris living room. Where he was sitting with his friends.

He was sitting in the couch and was watching something on his phone.

"Is it true?!" I asked him and he gave experience changed from happy to surprised.

"Alison what-" he said and got up but I cut him off.

"Is it fucking true?!" I yelled this time and a tear slipped down.

"Was I just a fucking bet to you?" I almost whisper this time and more tears slipped down my cheeks.
And he just looked at me shocked.

"Yes you were" the annoying voice that belongs to Iben said. And she was now standing beside Chris and she was holding his hand, which broker my heart more.

"When you first stared here me and Chris and some guys made a bet, if Chris could make you fall in love and then just leave you broke, would me and Chris get 5000kr. And if you didn't fall in love we would have to pay them" she says and smiles. I just stand there in front of Chris as tears were leaving my eyes.

"Is it true Christoffer" I ask him and make eye contact with him. He seems sad but Why I was just a bet, and he got his money no.

"I-" he stared off but Iben interrupted him.

"Oh so sad to hear about what your mom did, and what you tried to do to yourself, and by the way everyone in school is talking about it, and about you being anorexia kid" she says and laughs, while Chris just looks down.

He told her, he told her everything and now everyone knows.

I step closer to Chris and he looks up and his eyes meet my red ones.

"Didn't I mean a fucking shit to you?!
Who was on your fucking side when your parents treated you like a shit?" I yelled at him.

"You are disgusting, I feel disgusting I told you my darkest secrets that I haven't even shared with my best friend!" I yelled agin, and Tears oh god there was so Many tears running down my checks.

"Christoffer, no Chris I don't even know you anymore, I always told you I know a beautiful kind guy named, Christoffer, but I guess I were damn wrong. I only see "penetrator Chris"
The heart cold bitch that just breaks girls heart" I said

"For gods sake Chris I got beat up for you and your fucking friends" I said.

"Damn it Christoffer I fucking loved you" I whisper and look at him. And he looks at me and his eyes were watering.  And with that I ran away from them and I got in to my car and drives away as fast as I could.

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Love you all!


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