School=death of me

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It was a cold august day, the heater was on full blast. I was exhausted I had stayed up yesterday texting. When I breathed my lungs hurt. I was stuck in traffic on my way to school with my brother. I was a freshman in high school, my older brother was a junior. It was the fifth week of school. The traffic moved slowly. Until we reached school. 

I had seen my best friend, lilly with her boyfriend waiting for me in the parking lot. My brother parked and unlocked the doors. I took off my seatbelt and let it slide back. I grabbed the freezing handle and opened my door. A rush of cold air blew at my face, and my hair flew up. I walked up to my best friend and her boyfriend, Shawn. I despised him, I knew that lots of girls had crushes on him, and he knew it too. My brother is friends with him too, but I never liked him cause he thinks he's all amazing.

 But I put on a fake smile on and kept walking to them. "Hey guys," I said. "Hey Amber," Shawn said smirking. "Hey, are you guys going to the game tonight?" I asked. "Um, I'm not but Shawn is." Lilly answered. "Oh, okay," I said distracted by Shawn staring at me curiously. The bell rang and Shawn, Lilly, and I walked into the building. Me and Lilly went to art, and Shawn left to choir. 

The day passed slowly every class the same. I was pretty much failing almost all my classes except for art. It was already time to go. But on my way to the parking lot I saw Shawn with a random girl, until she turned around it was Sierra. They were holding hands, I was shocked, I didn't know what to do so I got out my phone and took a picture. I didn't know what I would tell Lilly. So I just kept walking and met up with my brother. "Hey, Andrew," I said trying to get my brother to look up from his phone. " Hey, Amber you ready to go?" He asked. "Ya, " I said torn. He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. Like always, there was a lot of traffic. "Andrew?" I asked. "Ya," he answered annoyed. "I saw something... and if I tell that person she would feel bad, but if I don't she'll feel worse." I said trying to low key ask for advice. "Well I think, you should tell her so she wouldn't feel as bad as if you don't tell her." He said what I hoped he didn't. "Okay, thanks Andrew." I said.

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