Chapter 2

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Chapter 2~ Harry's POV

"Niall! Give it back!" yelled Zayn.

The blond Irish lad ran out of the loo and into the living room where Louis, Liam, and I were sitting. He was laughing his arse off as he hid himself behind Liam. Zayn came storming into the room. If looks could kill, Niall would be dead right about now.

"Niall! Give me my mirror back! I have to fix my hair you Irish prick!" Zayn yelled again.

Zayn's argument wasn't a very good one. His hair was perfect, what was there to fix? Niall continued to laugh as Zayn clenched and unclenched his jaw.

We were currently waiting for the girls to get to Zayn's house. Our tour is starting in a few days, and we're going to have some fun before we have to leave for eight months. There won't be a tour, though, if we don't get an opening act soon. We're days away from it and we still don't have an opening. Simon was to call us once he found someone for the job, but no such call has been received yet.

"Niall!" Zayn shouted.

"Niall, just give Zayn his mirror back. I don't want to get a headache from him yelling," I said.

Niall stopped laughing and looked at me with big blue puppy dog eyes. "Now Niall," I demanded.

He let out a breath before responding. "Fine," he gave in.

He threw the mirror in the air, and Zayn caught it before it touched the ground. Zayn kissed the mirror before going back into the loo and shutting the door behind him. I swear that boy really needs to stop worrying so much about his appearance.

Niall plopped down on the seat next to me and pulled out his phone. I turned my attention back to my own phone and scrolled through my Instagram feed. Today just wasn't my day. I was having some sort of a lazy day, I guess. I've been pretty out of it. I didn't get much sleep last night. I had this dream about Ellie. I've been dreaming about her every night for the past eleven months. I miss her so much. I wish she would forgive me for what happened. There wasn't much I could do about it. I always end up thinking about her every day. Something always reminds me of her.

I glanced over at the rest of the boys, trying to shake the thoughts of Ellie from my mind. Louis was somewhere off in dreamland. Liam was watching some show on the television. And Niall was staring at his phone. Before I could ask him what he was staring at, he spoke up.

"Simon texted me. He said he found a person to be our opening for the tour."

Liam looked over at Niall and smiled. "That's great news. Did he say who?"

Niall shook his head. "No. He said he wanted to tell us in person. He should be here any minute. He was in the car when he texted me."

There was a knock on the door. Well that was fast, I thought to myself. I got up from the couch and went to the front door. I opened it to reveal the four girls. I guess it wasn't Simon.

"Hi, Harry," they chorused.

"Hi, girls," I said as they filed into the flat.

Harley sat down next to Niall and they exchanged a small peck on the lips. Liam got up from the couch and hugged Hope before she could really step into the room. Sabby went straight over to the sleeping Louis and starting jumping up and down on the couch. Louis groaned and pulled her down giving her a kiss once she was sitting next to him. Natalie went into the loo and shut the door behind her, knowing Zayn would be in there fixing his hair. I just stood there. I hated being the only one without a girlfriend. I had a girlfriend, but we all know how that ended. I haven't dating anyone since Ellie left. Nothing was the same without her. I couldn't bring myself to think about other women. Ellie was the only one for me.

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